Palju õnne! Tartu biotehnoloogiafirma Icosagen Cell Factory on aasta ettevõte 2023.

4. novembril toimunud auhinnagalal „Eesti parimad ettevõtted 2023“ tunnustati Eesti silmapaistvamaid ettevõtteid.  Aasta ettevõtte tiitli pälvis Tartu biotehnoloogiaettevõte Icosagen Cell Factory, mis tegeleb uute bioloogiliste ravimite väljatöötamisega farma- ja biotehnoloogiettevõtetele üle maailma. Lisaks aasta ettevõtte tiitlile pärjati Icosagen ka aasta innovaatori tiitliga. Aasta ettevõte valiti EAS-i ja Kredexi ühendasutuse ja Eesti tööandjate keskliidu konkursi “Ettevõtluse […]

Students offering solutions to major health challenges at Tartu i-Days hackathon 2023

At the end of last week, from October 27-28, the 6th EIT Health i-Days student hackathon was held, where more than 50 innovation-minded students gathered to solve various real-life health and biotechnology challenges. At the two-day hackathon, the participants had the opportunity to participate in both design thinking and pitching training, as well as get […]

WASTELESS will be involved in the 4th International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste

WASTELESS for the people and for the planet! WASTELESS will be involved on the 29th of September in the 4th International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste (IDAFLW) and invites you all to take action! Reducing food loss and waste is a shared responsibility and in the hands of each of us: governments, […]

Application process for the 2023 Edition of EIT Food Government Executive Academy (GEA) has started

The 2023 Edition of EIT Food InfraBooster Government Executive Academy (GEA) has been announced and waiting for the applicants to join.  The application deadline is October 16th and the Academy sessions will be conducted online on November 13th and 20th. InfraBooster Government Executive Academy is delivered by the University of Warsaw under The Faculty of […]

Tudengite Toiduakadeemia stardib taas 12-14. oktoobril Tartus

Tartu Biotehnoloogia Pargi, EIT Foodi, Eesti Maaülikooli ja Bioteaduste Üliõpilaste Seltsi koostöös toimub juba teist korda kolmepäevane toiduteemaline sügiskool „Tudengite toiduakadeemia“. Ürituse programmis käsitletakse toiduohutuse, funktsionaalse ja kohaliku toidu ning innovaatiliste toidulahenduste teemasid, kus oma ala asjatundjad jagavad tudengitega teadmisi ning kogemusi nii ettevõtete kui teadlaste vaates. Millal? 12.-14. oktoober 2023 Kus? Eesti Maaülikool (12.10) I […]

Estonian Health Tech Week 2023

On 21st-25th of August, we celebrated the Estonian Health Tech Week – the first ever week-long event in Estonia focusing on the current state and future perspectives of innovation, technology and digital transformation in healthcare.  We were truly happy to welcome a diverse group of individuals from throughout Europe, ranging from startups and hospital representatives […]

Inkubaatorite suveakadeemia 2023

Suveakadeemias, mis leiab aset 15.-16.augustil Järveveerel, Viljandimaal, kohtuvad inkubaatorid, teaduspargid ja ettevõtted üle Eesti. Inkubaatorite ja teadusparkide poolt kokku pandud inspireeriva ning mitmekülgse programmi peateema on sellel aastal “Ringmajanduse tulevikumõjutajad.” Suveakadeemiat korraldavad Tallinna Loomeinkubaator, Teadus- ja ärilinnak Tehnopol, Tartu Loomemajanduskeskus, Tartu Biotehnoloogia Park, Narva Creative HUB, Tartu Teaduspark, Pärnumaa Ettevõtlusinkubaator ja Kesk-Eesti Ettevõtlusinkubaator.     […]

10 women have been selected for the EWA programme 2023 in Estonia

The EWA (Empowering Women in Agrifood) programme by EIT Food is being implemented in Estonia by Tartu Biotechnology Park and gives 10 women the opportunity to develop their business ideas further with the guidance of a professional mentor,take part in workshops and other events related to the programme within a periood of six months. 27 […]

10 ettevõtlikku naist EWA Eesti 2023 programmi on välja valitud

EIT Foodi poolt korraldatav ning Tartu Biotehnoloogia Pargi poolt Eestis ellu viidav EWA programm annab 10 ettevõtlikule naisele võimaluse arendada 6 kuu jooksul oma äriideed professionaalse mentori individuaalsel juhendamisel ning võtta osa toimuvatest töötubadest ja muudest programmiga seonduvatest üritustest. EWA Eesti 2023 programmi kandideeris 27 naist, kes soovisid arendada oma äriideed toidu- ja põllumajandussektoris. Kõik […]

Apply for Test Farms and validate your product with farmers!

Test Farms links agricultural startups & individuals with farmers and testing-land. Through enabling these links EIT Food wants to help innovative agritech ideas to validate and test their products and services, showcase their business to customers and investors and finally support the technological transformation in European agriculture.  Why is it worth joining Test Farms:   🚜  Validation – Test your […]

Registration for the Empowering Women in Agrifood programme organized by EIT Food has started!

Let’s change the landscape of startups in Central and Eastern Europe together and add a feminine touch!  Are you interested in agri-food topics? Do you see your future in it and have an idea for a dedicated project? Take part in the Empowering Women in Agrifood programme organized by EIT Food and use a chance […]

EIT Health DRIVE 2023-2024 programme has been published

EIT Health DRIVE is a two-phase health innovation ecosystem-building programme consisting of a 3-month intensive training (2023) followed by the implementation of sustainable local healthcare-focussed start-up programmes (2024). The EIT Health DRIVE training programme is based on a validated methodology developed by the Technical University of Delft and EIT Health InnoStars designed for start-up support […]

EIT Health DRIVE 2023-2024 programme has been published

EIT Health DRIVE is a two-phase health innovation ecosystem-building programme consisting of a 3-month intensive training (2023) followed by the implementation of sustainable local healthcare-focussed start-up programmes (2024). The EIT Health DRIVE training programme is based on a validated methodology developed by the Technical University of Delft and EIT Health InnoStars designed for start-up support […]

Algab registreerimine EIT Food poolt läbi viidavasse arenguprogrammi “Empowering Women in Agrifood”!

EIT Food tegevust toetab Euroopa Innovatsiooni- ja Tehnoloogiainstituut (EIT), mis on sõltumatu Euroopa Liidu asutus. Muudame koos Kesk- ja Ida-Euroopa startup firmade maastikku lisades sellele naiselikku hõngu! Kas Sulle pakuvad huvi põllumajandus- ja toidusektoriga seonduvad teemad? Kas Sa näed selles oma tulevikku ja Sul on olemas äriidee oma projekti elluviimiseks? Osale EIT Foodi poolt läbiviidavas […]