Tartu Biotehnoloogia Park (TBP) pakub arendus- ja konsultatsiooniteenuseid biotehnoloogia, meditsiini ja veterinaarmeditsiini ettevõtetele ning teadusasutustele, rendib tegevuseks ruume, toetab koostöösidemete sõlmimisel ning on aktiivselt tegev uute ettevõtete asutamisel.





BioHackathon – sTARTUp Day 2023

As a side event of sTARTUp Day 2023, the largest business festival in the Baltic countries, the EIT Health and EIT Food supported BioHackathon brought together over 40 participants – startup-minded students, starting and established entrepreneurs in the field of life sciences, food- and health sector.  BioHackathon was held at the Conference Centre of University […]

Innostars Awards programme now open!

The InnoStars Awards, a key acceleration programme by EIT Health Innostars for early-stage start-ups from Central, Eastern and Southern Europe, is now open for applications! Join the InnoStars Awards acceleration program and: Transform your prototype into a market-ready solution Receive funding up to €50,000 Get tailored mentoring from experts Access the biggest healthcare network in […]

BioHackathon – sTARTUp Day 2023

As a side event of sTARTUp Day 2023, the largest business festival in the Baltic countries, the EIT Health and EIT Food supported BioHackathon brought together over 40 participants – startup-minded students, starting and established entrepreneurs in the field of life sciences, food- and health sector.  BioHackathon was held at the Conference Centre of University […]


Garage48 Food on avatud tarkvara põhiste ideede esitamise jaoks! Esita oma idee või liitu tiimiga‼️

GARAGE48 FOOD 2022/23 ON AVATUD TARKVARA PÕHISTE IDEEDE ESITAMISEKS Liitu toidu(r)evolutsiooniga ja aita parandada meie toidu tarbimiskultuuri! Vaata eelmise aasta võitja Kairiin Koddala intervjuud, kus ta räägib oma kogemusest eelmise aasta Garage48 Foodil ning oma vegan kohvipiima arengust: Kairiin Koddala COFF Interview – One of the Garage48 Food 2021 Winners Aitäh kõigile, kes häkatonil osalemiseks […]

BioHackathon – sTARTUp Day 2023

BioHackathon will be welcoming everybody (business-minded students and innovative entrepreneurs) passionate about innovating the fields of medicine, agrifood and life sciences. Hackathon will focus on business development, execution of ideas and improving the idea pitches. Event timing: 15th of March 2023 at 09:30-18:00 EET Location: Conference Centre of UT Library, W. Struve 1, Tartu. Language […]

Garage48 Food2022/23 is open for registration and software-based idea submission! Submit your idea or join a team!

GARAGE48 FOOD 2022/23 IS OPEN FOR REGISTRATION AND SOFTWARE-BASED IDEA SUBMISSION! SUBMIT YOUR IDEA OR JOIN A TEAM! Join the food (r)evolution and change how we consume and think about food! Check out one of last year’s winners Kairiin Koddala talking about her experience at the hack and updating us on the development of their […]


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