Tartu Ettevõtlusnädalal õpiti EIT Food töötoas ringmajandust oma ettevõttes rakendama

Tartu Ettevõtlusnädala alustava ettevõtja teemapäeval, 5. oktoobril, toimusid SPARK Demo keskuses roheettevõtte paneel Eesti Ettevõtlike Naiste Assotsiatsiooni (EENA) liikmetega ning ringmajanduse töötuba, mille viisid läbi Teeme Ära SA tegevjuht, koolitaja Kadi Kenk. Sisuka päeva juhatasid sisse naisettevõtjate kogemuslood oma roheettevõtte asutamisest ja arengust. Kuulajad said sissevaate sellest, kuidas panelistid  on ringmajandust ja rohemõtlemist rakendanud oma […]

The Global Foodture program for innovative SMEs in the agri-food sector

The Global Foodture program gives companies either in or related to the food industry a possibility to explore the opportunities in 4 different Asian markets, namely Singapore, Thailand, South Korea and Japan. Global Foodture is a project designed to boost the sustainable transition of the food system worldwide through collaboration and innovation. It develops and implements a […]

The Global Foodture program for innovative SMEs in the agri-food sector

The Global Foodture program gives companies either in or related to the food industry a possibility to explore the opportunities in 4 different Asian markets, namely Singapore, Thailand, South Korea and Japan. Global Foodture is a project designed to boost the sustainable transition of the food system worldwide through collaboration and innovation. It develops and implements a […]

HelloAI – AUTUMN BATCH – RIS seats available

Join EIT Health HelloAI programmes to gain confidence in operationalizing transformational technology that enables faster, more accurate diagnosis for patients and releases administrational burdens of medical teams and much more. HelloAI Advanced RIS: FULL SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY Join a 10 week long self-paced online course on AI In healthcare to excel in your studies and career. […]

HelloAI – AUTUMN BATCH – RIS seats available

Join EIT Health HelloAI programmes to gain confidence in operationalizing transformational technology that enables faster, more accurate diagnosis for patients and releases administrational burdens of medical teams and much more. HelloAI Advanced RIS: FULL SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY Join a 10 week long self-paced online course on AI In healthcare to excel in your studies and career. […]

RIS4Ukraine, program for young Ukrainians interested in agri-food, open till 30 September

The RIS4Ukraine program is dedicated to young people from Ukraine (up to 35 years of age) who emigrated to Europe due to the war in their country. Our target groups are: Bachelor or MSc students and graduates as well as PhD students and researchers specializing in different areas of food, as well as young employees […]

RIS4Ukraine, program for young Ukrainians interested in agri-food, open till 30 September

The RIS4Ukraine program is dedicated to young people from Ukraine (up to 35 years of age) who emigrated to Europe due to the war in their country. Our target groups are: Bachelor or MSc students and graduates as well as PhD students and researchers specializing in different areas of food, as well as young employees […]

The EIT Food Farm to Fork programme is looking for innovative ideas to build a food system fit for the future

The EIT Food RIS Inspire summer programme is looking for innovative ideas to build a food system fit for the future, producing healthy and sustainable food for all, supporting student entrepreneurship and innovation.  For students, this is a unique opportunity to work as a team on a start-up project with students from all over Europe, to […]

The EIT Food Farm to Fork programme is looking for innovative ideas to build a food system fit for the future

The EIT Food RIS Inspire summer programme is looking for innovative ideas to build a food system fit for the future, producing healthy and sustainable food for all, supporting student entrepreneurship and innovation.  For students, this is a unique opportunity to work as a team on a start-up project with students from all over Europe, to […]

EIT Health RIS Innovation Call 2023 open for applications

EIT Health InnoStars seeks partners with early-stage healthcare projects. Its purpose is to fund the proof-of-concept phase of high-quality, strong, balanced projects, targeting EIT Health’s four Focus Areas to be developed by local actors including both business and academic/research/health care institutions. The programme aims to bridge the funding gap in several moderately progressing EU countries, […]

EIT Health RIS Innovation Call 2023 open for applications

EIT Health InnoStars seeks partners with early-stage healthcare projects. Its purpose is to fund the proof-of-concept phase of high-quality, strong, balanced projects, targeting EIT Health’s four Focus Areas to be developed by local actors including both business and academic/research/health care institutions. The programme aims to bridge the funding gap in several moderately progressing EU countries, […]

EIT Health Opportunity- RIS Innovation Training

Do you have an entrepreneurial mindset with an idea in the healthcare field? Would you like to know more about healthcare innovation, MVP, IP, Medical devices, and other EU regulations? A RIS Innovation Training opportunity is open for project partnerships, micro and small enterprises, research and educational institutions, spin-offs, and start-ups that already have an […]

Join EIT Health RIS Academy

The EIT Health RIS Academy aims to provide entrepreneurs and innovators with the necessary skills to bring healthcare ideas to market. RIS Academy, available for free for candidates from RIS countries, is a training series that help develop competences in key areas for faster and more efficient launch of innovations to the market. More than […]

Join EIT Health RIS Academy

The EIT Health RIS Academy aims to provide entrepreneurs and innovators with the necessary skills to bring healthcare ideas to market. RIS Academy, available for free for candidates from RIS countries, is a training series that help develop competences in key areas for faster and more efficient launch of innovations to the market. More than […]

Call for contributors to support implementation of Regenerative Agriculture Revolution in CEE region during the period 2022-2024

EIT Food is looking for organisations in CEE region that would support implementation of Regenerative Agriculture Revolution project during the period 2022-2024. What is the EIT Food Regenerative Agriculture Revolution Regenerative Agriculture Revolution is a project aiming to help farmers in Central and Eastern Europe to learn about and transition to more sustainable methods of agriculture. […]