Tartu Biotehnoloogia Park (TBP) pakub arendus- ja konsultatsiooniteenuseid biotehnoloogia, meditsiini ja veterinaarmeditsiini ettevõtetele ning teadusasutustele, rendib tegevuseks ruume, toetab koostöösidemete sõlmimisel ning on aktiivselt tegev uute ettevõtete asutamisel.





Eight Reasons why Uganda is an Attractive Health Market

Tartu Biotechnology Park helps one more Health company in the context of the Health Access program to start sales in Uganda. Following are 8 reasons why you should want to access Uganda’s market. Uganda has a large growing population – Kampala is estimated to be a mega city by 2040. 2) The private sector covers […]

Kaheksa põhjust, miks minna Uganda turule.

Veel on võimalus siseneda ühel tervisetehnoloogia ettevõttel CB Health Access projekti raames Uganda turule. Järgnevalt on välja toodud 8 põhjust, miks minna Uganda turule. Uganda rahvaarv kasvab kiirelt – 2040. aastaks saab Kampalast megalinn. Erasektor moodustab ligikaudu 50% kogu tervishoiu turust. Kogukulu tervisele SKP-s suurenes 6%-lt (2006) 8%-le (2013). Tõus toimub nii era- kui ka […]

Health Access program – 2 last available spots in Uganda and in South-Korea

Tartu Biotechnology Park helps two more Health companies in the context of the Health Access program to start sales in Uganda and in South-Korea. Uganda Time is ripe for new partnerships and business relations in the Ugandan health sector. The business environment is relatively supportive, and the economic and political situation is stable enough to […]


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