Tartu Biotehnoloogia Park (TBP) pakub arendus- ja konsultatsiooniteenuseid biotehnoloogia, meditsiini ja veterinaarmeditsiini ettevõtetele ning teadusasutustele, rendib tegevuseks ruume, toetab koostöösidemete sõlmimisel ning on aktiivselt tegev uute ettevõtete asutamisel.





EIT Health Community is tackling COVID-19 related crisis with several initiatives

The EIT Health community is working tirelessly in response to the pandemic, harnessing their combined knowledge and the strength of their network to join the fight against the virus. The EIT Health teams working across 25 countries are also supporting the community in raising awareness of the European Union’s newly launched COVID-19 initiatives such as […]

EIT Health Community is tackling COVID-19 related crisis with several initiatives

The EIT Health community is working tirelessly in response to the pandemic, harnessing their combined knowledge and the strength of their network to join the fight against the virus. The EIT Health teams working across 25 countries are also supporting the community in raising awareness of the European Union’s newly launched COVID-19 initiatives such as […]

‘CELIS – Cluster Excellence in Life Sciences’ provides financial support for international exchanges

30 March, Heidelberg. Today the formal kick-off meeting of CELIS project took place on line. CELIS stands for ‘Cluster Exchange in Life Sciences – internationalisation of SMEs’ and is one of the 13 European Strategic Cluster Partnerships for Excellence (ESCP-4X) selected under the last call for proposals of the European Cluster Excellence Programme (COS-CLUSTER-2018-03-02).   CELIS […]


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