Tartu Biotehnoloogia Park (TBP) pakub arendus- ja konsultatsiooniteenuseid biotehnoloogia, meditsiini ja veterinaarmeditsiini ettevõtetele ning teadusasutustele, rendib tegevuseks ruume, toetab koostöösidemete sõlmimisel ning on aktiivselt tegev uute ettevõtete asutamisel.





EIT Food ootab kandideerima RIS Fellowships tasustatud praktikale – tähtaeg pikendatud kuni 19.04.2021

Develop your talent with top agri-food players during a paid internship in EU! MSc students and graduates with different educational backgrounds as well as PhD students and post-docs from EIT RIS countries are very welcome to discover job opportunities in the food industry by getting unique, professional, paid 3-6 months internships within the EIT Food […]

The European Commission has launched the India IP SME Helpdesk

The European Commission has recently launched the India IP SME Helpdesk, a new initiative supporting SMEs from the EU and COSME associated countries to both protect and enforce their Intellectual Property (IP) rights in or relating to India. The India IP SME Helpdesk provides the following services free-of-charge: Helpline service, answering all IP-related enquiries within […]

The European Commission has launched the India IP SME Helpdesk

The European Commission has recently launched the India IP SME Helpdesk, a new initiative supporting SMEs from the EU and COSME associated countries to both protect and enforce their Intellectual Property (IP) rights in or relating to India. The India IP SME Helpdesk provides the following services free-of-charge: Helpline service, answering all IP-related enquiries within […]


Apply for EIT Health Accelerator Programmes – 6 programme’s application deadline is March 16

Tartu Biotechnology Park invites you to join new editions of EIT Health Accelerator Programmes 2021! The EIT Health Accelerator offers Biotech, Medtech and Digital Health Startups and SMEs an access to knowledge, markets, stakeholders and finance opportunities through its programmes in 2021. Since launching in 2016, EIT Health has helped more than 740 start-ups across […]

Financing Blue Bioeconomy 2.0

10.03.2021 at 9:00-10:40 CET Digitally in Tartu, Estonia   In this event, you find out several public and private funding opportunities for EU Blue Bioeconomy enterprises and research institutions. Agenda 9:00 – 9:15  ‘INTRO: SUBMARINER Network’s Blue Growth Accelerator current status and vision’, Efthalia Arvaniti, SUBMARINER Network 9:15 – 9:40 ‘Early-stage startup funding sources: which to […]

EIT Health Accelerator Calls 2021 Veebiseminar

Kutsume 9. märtsil kell 14.00 kõiki tervishoiuinnovaatoreid, ettevõtjaid, teadlasi ja startuppe liituma EIT Health Accelerator programme ja avatud konkursse tutvustava veebiseminariga. Tule kohale ja saa teada, milline programm on sinu ja su ettevõtte jaoks parim! Veebiseminaril tutvustame teile kiirendiprogramme ja kandideerimisnõudeid lähemalt ning vastame kõigile teie küsimustele. Programmide lühitutvustused ja kandideerimise tähtajad leiate SIIT. EIT […]


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