Tartu Biotehnoloogia Park (TBP) pakub arendus- ja konsultatsiooniteenuseid biotehnoloogia, meditsiini ja veterinaarmeditsiini ettevõtetele ning teadusasutustele, rendib tegevuseks ruume, toetab koostöösidemete sõlmimisel ning on aktiivselt tegev uute ettevõtete asutamisel.





BioHackathon 2021 provided a number of innovative ideas for a healthier future

As a part of sTARTUp Day 2021, the largest business festival in the Baltic countries, the EIT Health and EIT Food supported BioHackathon brought together over 40 participants – startup-minded students and starting and established entrepreneurs in the field of life sciences, food- and health sector.     What was behind the idea of BioHackathon? […]

EIT Health InnoStars launches EIT Health RIS Innovation Training again!

Do you have an entrepreneurial mind-set with an idea in the healthcare field? Would you like to know more about healthcare innovation, MVP, IP, Medical device and other EU regulations? The opportunity is open for project partnerships, micro and small enterprises, research and educational institutions, spin-offs and start-ups that already have an innovation/product/solution, but in […]

EIT Health InnoStars launches EIT Health RIS Innovation Training again!

Do you have an entrepreneurial mind-set with an idea in the healthcare field? Would you like to know more about healthcare innovation, MVP, IP, Medical device and other EU regulations? The opportunity is open for project partnerships, micro and small enterprises, research and educational institutions, spin-offs and start-ups that already have an innovation/product/solution, but in […]


Eesti Teadusagentuur korraldab ettevõtjatele EIC Acceleratori seminari 22. septembril

Eesti Teadusagentuur korraldab ettevõtjatele EIC Acceleratori seminari 22. septembril kell 10 – 14. Ettekannetega esinevad ja küsimustele vastavad Heidi Kakko EIC Fondist, Silver Toomla EEN-ist, Margit Ilves ETAg-ist, oma kogemusi jagab Sirli Sipp Kulli BitaTec-ist. EIC Accelerator on väikese ja keskmise suurusega ettevõtetele, sh start-up’idele suunatud toetuse ja omakapitaliinvesteeringu kombinatsioonist koosnev skeem raamprogrammis “Euroopa horisont”. Rahastatakse suure kasvupotentsiaaliga ettevõtete innovaatilisi ja kõrge riskiga tootearendusprojekte. Üritusel on võimalik osaleda […]

EIT Health RIS Innovation Training

Purpose of RIS Innovation Training: To support the applicants in realizing next steps towards the market and shorten time-to-market for innovative products and services. To navigate in the complex playground of healthcare solutions and give a better understanding on the types of innovations. To verify the need/benefit of the product/service for users/customers/payers/partners. To increase the […]

BioHackathon 2021

This August the BioHackathon will once again bring together students, startups and innovators in the field of life sciences focusing on business development, execution of ideas and improving idea pitches. Event Timing: 25 August 2021; 10:00-18:00 EEST Location: Spark DEMO; Narva mnt. 3, Tartu Language of the event: English Contact: Tartu Biotechnology Park, Registration […]


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