Tartu Biotehnoloogia Park (TBP) pakub arendus- ja konsultatsiooniteenuseid biotehnoloogia, meditsiini ja veterinaarmeditsiini ettevõtetele ning teadusasutustele, rendib tegevuseks ruume, toetab koostöösidemete sõlmimisel ning on aktiivselt tegev uute ettevõtete asutamisel.





The EIT Food Farm to Fork programme is looking for innovative ideas to build a food system fit for the future

The EIT Food RIS Inspire summer programme is looking for innovative ideas to build a food system fit for the future, producing healthy and sustainable food for all, supporting student entrepreneurship and innovation.  For students, this is a unique opportunity to work as a team on a start-up project with students from all over Europe, to […]

EIT Health RIS Innovation Call 2023 open for applications

EIT Health InnoStars seeks partners with early-stage healthcare projects. Its purpose is to fund the proof-of-concept phase of high-quality, strong, balanced projects, targeting EIT Health’s four Focus Areas to be developed by local actors including both business and academic/research/health care institutions. The programme aims to bridge the funding gap in several moderately progressing EU countries, […]

EIT Health RIS Innovation Call 2023 open for applications

EIT Health InnoStars seeks partners with early-stage healthcare projects. Its purpose is to fund the proof-of-concept phase of high-quality, strong, balanced projects, targeting EIT Health’s four Focus Areas to be developed by local actors including both business and academic/research/health care institutions. The programme aims to bridge the funding gap in several moderately progressing EU countries, […]


EIT Food RIS Inspire summer programme is looking for innovative ideas to build a food system fit for the future

The EIT Food RIS Inspire summer programme is looking for innovative ideas to build a food system fit for the future, producing healthy and sustainable food for all, supporting student entrepreneurship and innovation.  For students, this is a unique opportunity to work as a team on a start-up project with students from all over Europe, […]

Morning Health Talks – “Teiseste terviseandmete kasutamine – kogemused Eestist ja Põhjamaadest“

2022. aasta esimene EIT Health Morning Health Talks Tartu toimub 10. juunil kell 10:00-14:00 (algus Zoomis 10:30) hübriidse kohvihommikuna. Ürituse fookuses on teisesed terviseandmed. Ürituse esimese osa (inglise keeles) ettekanded keskenduvad Taani ja Soome kogemusele teiseste andmete kasutamisel ning samuti näiteriikide terviseandmete infrastruktuuridele üldisemalt. Ürituse teises osas (eesti keeles) arutletakse Euroopa Terviseandmete Ruumi rakendamise aspektide […]

MarineHäkk 2022

MarineHäkk is a 48-hour hackathon to build innovative and green technology solutions for the marine industry that contribute to moving towards a climate-neutral economy and adaptation to these changes in the following fields: Renewable energy & water resources Blue economy & circular economy Shipping & transportation, maritime safety incl environmental safety Shipbuilding and hydrodynamics The […]


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