Tartu i-Days x Care About IT 2024 | 1-2 November

Calling all aspiring innovators and creative thinkers passionate about health and biotechnology! Take part in our two-day hackathon and put your problem-solving and teamwork skills to the test!

📅 When? 1-2 November 2024
📍 Where? Alexela Loomelava, Narva mnt 2, Tartu
🔗 Registration: Sign up here!
✅ Participation: Free of charge – don’t miss this exciting opportunity!

💡Do you have a challenge idea related to health or biotechnology? If you’re a company or organization facing a problem in these areas, we want to hear from you! Submit your challenge for the hackathon siin.

🌍 Join the 7th edition of Tartu i-Days – An international hackathon experience!

From 1-2 November 2024 Tartu i-Days x Care About IT, an international student hackathon will take place for the 7th time! This time, the hackathon will take place in partnership with Care About IT, a project aimed at developing the digital competence of health professionals. During the hackathon, teams of 3-6 spend two days guided by experts to develop and validate solutions to real-life health and biotechnology challenges.

You may come up with an idea and pre-formed team, but you may also just bring your passion to learn, and join one of the teams on site!

Participants are introduced to practical innovation tools such as design thinking and pitch training.

🏆 Compete for a spot on the European stage

The winning team of i-Days will attend the Winners’ Event, a final competition that unites students from around Europe. I-Days 2024 Winners’ Event takes place on 28-29 November in Budapest, Hungary (the prize will cover the travel- and accommodation costs for up to 4 team members). 

Additionally, the winning team will advance to the second-round international hackathon, Care About IT, taking place in spring 2025.

What would you gain from attending the event?
🚀New skills to create solutions to real-life challenges
🚀Network of like-minded people
🚀i-Days certificate that will be a great addition to your CV
🚀Prizes from EIT Health and other partners
🚀 The winning team will get a chance to represent Estonia at the European finals in Budapest, Hungary on 28-29 November.
🚀The winning team will advance to the second-round international hackathon, Care About IT, taking place in spring 2025.

🎓 Who Should Apply?
i-Days x Care About IT 2024 is accessible to all undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as healthcare workers with an interest in healthcare and biotech innovation. You do not need prerequisite skills or prior experience in innovation, entrepreneurship or healthcare. There are no academic requirements and students from all disciplines and departments are welcome to join!


Day 1 | 1 November 2024

Arrival & Networking Over Coffee

  • Kick off the event with casual networking and refreshments. Meet fellow innovators and future teammates

Welcome & Opening Remarks

  • Welcome by the event moderator
  • An overview of the hackathon’s mission and bold theme
  • Explanation of rules, judging criteria, awards, and schedule
  • Meet your mentors – your guides for the next two days

Spotlight on EIT Health

  • A snapshot of EIT Health’s role in transforming healthcare innovation

Keynote Kickstart

  • Hear from an inspiring thought leader on how innovation is shaping the future of health and care

Team Formation & Icebreaker

  • Get to know your fellow innovators with a fun, interactive icebreaker
  • Form dynamic teams that will collaborate to solve real-world challenges

Challenge Presentation

  • Ready, set, innovate!

Design Thinking Bootcamp Part I

  • Dive deep into the design thinking methodology – learn how to turn ideas into actionable solutions


Mentor Consultations: Mentor Speed-Dating

  • Quick, intense 5-minute sessions with mentors to collect rapid feedback


Brainstorm & Innovate!

  • Let creativity flow as teams brainstorm solutions and start building concepts. Innovation goes late into the night!

Day 2 | 2 November 2024

Fuel Up with Morning Coffee

  • Start the day with fresh energy and caffeine

Day 1 Recap & What’s Ahead

  • A quick recap of yesterday’s progress and what to expect on the final day

Keynote Inspiration

  • Another dose of motivation from a trailblazer in the world of health innovation

Design Thinking Bootcamp Part II

  • Continue shaping your ideas into groundbreaking solutions

Mentor Rounds & Teamwork

  • Dive into feedback sessions with mentors to sharpen your solutions

Fuel Up with Lunch

  • A break to recharge, refuel, and prepare for the final stretch

Pitching Workshop

  • Get final tips on crafting compelling pitches that impress the judges

Final Sprint: Teamwork & Mentor Check-ins

  • Time to finalize your ideas and pitches with support from mentors. Make every minute count!

Coffee Break

  • Recharge before the big presentations

Pitch & Win!

  • Present your ideas to the judges
  • Compete for amazing prizes and celebrate your hard work and innovation

Challenges – COMING SOON!

Facilitators – COMING SOON!

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