RIS Innovation Call 2022

 RIS Innovation Call 2022 has been officially published. EIT Health InnoStars seeks partners with early-stage healthcare projects. Its purpose is to fund the proof-of-concept phase of high-quality, strong, balanced projects, targeting EIT Health’s six Focus Areas to be developed by local actors including both business and academic/research/health care institutions. For details, please see the Call […]

Rise to the challenge event for healthcare startups with Federico Cismondi

Rise to the challenge! Join EIT Health Innostars online live event and gain inspirations from Federico Cismondi, CEO of doDoc, a Portuguese digital health start-up, who will share with you how to be prepared for scaling up. You will hear some priceless hints and tips about a successful start-up journey to the USA and back […]

Challenge Labs Creative Worskhops dedicated to food sector on 19-21 November 2021

Challenge Labs are EIT Food creative workshops designed to find solutions to current and future challenges in the food and agriculture system. Challenge Labs are designed to tackle the big problems facing the food sector by bringing together diverse groups of people. Challenge Labs goal is to spark co-founder relationships, lead to the creation of […]

Bioinnovation days follow-up events on 27.10 and 03.11

???????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? 2021 is an international hackathon devoted to finding innovative solutions in the fields of ????????????????????????, ???????????????? and ????????????????????????????????????????????????????. Main event of the BioInnovation Day took place on 20 October 2021at Delta building (https://www.bioinnovationdays.ee/). This year, in cooperation with the Life Sciences Students Association, ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????? ????????????????????????-???????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????: 27/10/21 @ Riia […]

Garage48 Food – greener food for a greener planet / 22-24 October 2021

Are you passionate about the more sustainable future of food? Garage48 Food is open for registration! https://eventornado.com/event/Garage48%20Food#home WHAT? In co-organisation with Garage48, Estonian University of Life Sciences and Estonian Research Council, and partnership with Polli Horticultural Research Centre, TFTAK, TalTech, Ministry of Rural Affairs, and BioCC, a first in its kind hackathon of food technology […]

Garage48 Food – SÄÄSTLIK TOIT PUHTAMA PLANEEDI HEAKS / 22. – 24. oktoobril 2021

Kas sulle on oluline puhtam ja keskkonnasõbralikum toit? Garage48 Food on registreerimiseks avatud! https://eventornado.com/event/Garage48%20Food#home MIS? Garage48, Eesti Maaülikooli ja Eesti Teadusagentuuri kaaskorraldamisel ning Maaeluministeeriumi, TFTAK, BioCC, TalTech ja Polli Aiandusuuringute Keskuse partnerluses leiab 22. – 24. oktoobril 2021 aset esimene omalaadne toidutehnoloogia hackathon Eestis, et leida lahendusi erinevatele väljakutsetele toiduainetööstuses. KEDA OOTAME OSALEMA? Garage48 kutsub […]

GEN.ERA “Market Intelligence & Matchmaking” event

Event Date: 21 October 2021 GEN.ERA invites you to Market Intelligence & Matchmaking  Event 2021 PARIS, 21 October 2021 at 9:00pm (CET) Free meeting This hybrid event is free of charge (no fees), represents a unique opportunity to get an overview of the latest drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges on high potential genomic markets. The day […]

BioInnovation Days 2021 on October 20

DATE: 20 October 2021 VENUE: Delta building (Narva maantee 18, Tartu) BioInnovation webpage: www.bioinnovationdays.ee BioInnovation Days 2021 is an international hackathon devoted to finding innovative solutions in the fields of health, food and biotechnology. On 20 October 2021 the Tartu Bioinnovation Day will take place for the fourth time! So far already 190+  students and […]

2021. aasta Eesti Inimesegeneetika Ühingu XXIII aastakonverents toimub hübriidvormis 30.09.- 01.10.2021

2021. aasta Eesti Inimesegeneetika Ühingu XXIII aastakonverents toimub hübriidvormis (kontaktkonverentsina Haapsalus Kaluri Klubis, kuid soovijaile ka Interneti vahendusel) 30.09.- 01.10.2021. Kontaktkonverentsile tavakuulajateks registreeruvate inimeste arv on piiratud 200 osalejani. Kuni 31.08. liikmetele osavõtutasu 60 eurot, mitteliikmetele 90 eurot. Konverentsil esinevad Jana Jaal, Astrid Murumägi, Kersti Oselin, Jan Olle Andressoo, Kelli Lehto, Mari Sepp, Maido Remm, […]


The Inspire Programme will raise awareness in RIS countries on global food challenges and provide trainings on the latest innovations in Food & Agriculture. Challenges in today’s Food System are complex and interconnected. To address them, digital innovative solutions along the entire value chain are required: digitalisation of traceability can improve the safety, efficiency, value […]

Morning Health Talks Tartu “e-Tervis – tervishoiu tuleviku ümberkujundaja / kogemused Eestist ja Skandinaaviast “

2021. aasta teine EIT Health Morning Health Talks Tartu toimus 29. septembril kell 10:00-12:30 hübriidse kohvihommikuna. Üritus keskendus e-tervise arengule, võimalustele ja soovitud eesmärkidele ning praktilistele näidetele Eestist ja Skandinaaviast.  EIT Health Morning Health Talks (MHT) on piirkondlik arutelude ja võrgustike loomise platvorm, mille eesmärk on RIS piirkondade tervishoiualase innovatsiooni-ökosüsteemi kujundamine ja parandamine. Kuupäev ja […]

Morning Health Talks Tartu “e-Health – reshaping the future of healthcare / experiences from Estonia and Scandinavia”

The second event of year 2021 EIT Health Morning Health Talks Tartu took place on 29 September from 10:00 to 12:30 in a form of an hybrid coffee morning. Event focused on potential, trends and desirable progress of e-health and practical examples of projects in the field from Estonia and Scandinavia. EIT Health Morning Health […]

Webinar: IN FOCUS: Biomarker Commercialization Guide – Go-to-Market Phases/27.09.2021

The BIC Biomarker Commercialization project consortium is organizing a free webinar on how to commercialize your biomarker discovery, the last webinar of a series focusing on biomarker commercialization process. Focus of this webinar is on the go-to-market phases of the commercialization process. This webinar introduces the participants to the different biomarker commercialization tools that aim […]

Visionary seminar on the future of precision medicine and how healthcare systems are changing

Visionary seminar on the future of precision medicine and how healthcare systems are changing WHEN: 23 September 2021 WHERE: Odense, Denmark and digital Agenda: https://www.whinn.dk/en/timetable/thursday/will-the-future-of-precision-medicine-transform-the-healthcare-system/precision-medicine/precision-medicine/ In the late 1990s personalized medicine’ was defined as “the customization of healthcare, with decisions and practices being tailored to the individual patient by use of genetic and other information”, […]

Eesti Teadusagentuur korraldab ettevõtjatele EIC Acceleratori seminari 22. septembril

Eesti Teadusagentuur korraldab ettevõtjatele EIC Acceleratori seminari 22. septembril kell 10 – 14. Ettekannetega esinevad ja küsimustele vastavad Heidi Kakko EIC Fondist, Silver Toomla EEN-ist, Margit Ilves ETAg-ist, oma kogemusi jagab Sirli Sipp Kulli BitaTec-ist. EIC Accelerator on väikese ja keskmise suurusega ettevõtetele, sh start-up’idele suunatud toetuse ja omakapitaliinvesteeringu kombinatsioonist koosnev skeem raamprogrammis “Euroopa horisont”. Rahastatakse suure kasvupotentsiaaliga ettevõtete innovaatilisi ja kõrge riskiga tootearendusprojekte. Üritusel on võimalik osaleda […]