Financing Blue Bioeconomy 3.0

7. April 2021 at 13:00-14:30 CET

Digitally in Tartu, Estonia

Different supporting measures for SMEs and R&D institutions.


13:00 – 13:20 Horizon Europe, Pillar II – What to expect in the Cluster 6 „Bioeconomy“, Katrin Saar,  Estonian Research Council

13:20 – 13:40 Horizon Results Platform & Horizon Results Booster, Tuomas Nousiainen, Horizon Results Platform, Alessia Melasecche Germini, Horizon Results Booster

13:40 – 14:00 EEN sector group Maritime Industries and Services, Michael Rafn, EEN Maritime Node

14:00 – 14:20 Innovation of blue enterprises in the Space incubation programme and through the usage of remote sensing, Sven Lilla, Tartu Science Park, EEN Estonia

After each presentation, there is a short Q&A session.
Please register for the event here

The event is part-financed by Baltic Blue Biotechnology Alliance+
Hosts of the event: Tartu Biotechnology Park and SUBMARINER Network for Blue Growth.

Speakers of the seminar


Sven Lilla is Head of Operations for ESA BIC Estonia with background in technology transfer and business consulting for 10 years. He has worked as a business relations coordinator for the University of Tartu for 7 years. For the last 3 years he has been responsible for daily activities of the ESA BIC Estonia and mentoring its companies.




Tuomas Nousiainen is an external consultant to the European Commission DG Research & Innovation working on the Horizon Results Platform,  a new tool to offer EU R&I funding beneficiaries a platform to showcase their project results to attract partners, investors and all types of potential users with a view to valorising the results. In 2012-2017 and again in 2019 Tuomas worked in DG R&I as a Policy Officer on innovation policy development, focusing on  commercialisation, technology transfer and IPR, innovation funding as well as on the Horizon Europe mission-oriented approach.




Alessia Melasecche Germini has a PhD in Internationalization of SMEs. She is a former University Marketing Professor at the Faculty of Business of Perugia, Italy and for more than 15 years she has been Partner, Senior Expert and COO at META Group, with experience in supporting exploitation and dissemination of research results, awareness raising on entrepreneurship, drawing up SMEs and entrepreneurship policies and evaluating and assessing business ideas. Regularly engaged by DG Connect, DG Research & Innovation and DG Home, the Research Executive Agency and the European Institute of Innovation and Technology to take part as Expert Evaluator, Expert Reviewer and Rapporteur to evaluation and assessment panels. Currently Manager of the Horizon Results Booster the new European Commission – DG Research & Innovation initiative, which aims to maximise the impact of research projects funded by FP7, Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe.



Michael Rafn has an MSc in Business Administration and Marketing from Aalborg University and have extensive professional experience in developing marketing strategy, marketing plans, budgeting, marketing communication, PR, exhibitions and the development and implementation of corporate identity plans. His analysis and reports on DEIF’s key geographical markets, business areas and competitors have formed the basis of the management group’s strategy work as well as strategy in business areas and subsidiaries.

Years of dedicated analysis and continuous monitoring of the Marine and the Offshore markets has given him an in-depth understanding of Marine and Offshore Markets, vertically and horizontally, and he has collaborated closely with management on developing business strategies and business plans for DEIF’s Global Marine team.

Katrin Saar is an adviser at Estonian Research Council, Department of International Research Cooperation working in the Horizon programme. She is the national delegate and NCP for SC2 “Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine, maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy” and Horizon Europe Cluster 6.

Katrin is also a consultant for mobility funding (post-doctoral grants provided by the Japanese Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS)) and consultant for international mobility co-operation programme with Taiwan.