Creativity in Biotech: how to organise serendipity? on June 29

Join webinar on “Creativity in Biotech: how to organise serendipity?” on June 29 at 10am – 1 pm (CEST), including a speed-networking session.

As approaches to treat disease are becoming increasingly complex and creative, companies rely more and more on external innovation and benefit greatly if they manage to also leverage innovation from within their organisation.

But how can companies ‘organise’ creativity and innovation? Is there a science behind developing new ideas? How to provide freedom to be creative, while supporting urgency and purpose at the same time?

We will dig into this topic with innovation experts and innovation makers in the field of biopharmaceutical and biotechnology:

  • Lykke Margot Ricard – Associate Professor in Innovation at University of Southern Denmark
  • Kirstin Kohler, at the University of Applied Sciences Mannheim
  • Thomas Rückle, Head of Research at Biomed X Institute in Heidelberg
Find detailed agenda HERE.
Register here:

The event is organised by BioRN Life Science Cluster Rhine-Neckar, in the framework of the CELIS project.