Morning Health Talks 2024: Open Innovation in Healthcare – Initiatives and Collaborations

Alustame 2024. aasta Morning Health Talks seeria esimese üritusega 14. mail Tallinnas. Toome tähelepanu avatud innovatsiooni võimalustele avaliku ja erasektori vahel tervishoius, arutledes erinevate võimaluste ja takistuste üle olemasolevate ja potentsiaalsete näidete põhjal, keskendudes peamiselt onkoloogia eriala näidetele.

Toimumisaeg: Teisipäev, 14. mai kell 09:30 - 12:30 EEST (Zoomis algus 10:00)
Asukoht: Workland Vabaduse • Pärnu maantee 12, 10148 Tallinn, Harju maakond/Zoom
Register siin:

Oled huvitatud tervishoiu uuendamisest näed võimalusi panustamiseks? Tahad erinevate osapoolte kaasamiseks mõista nende seisukohti ja lahendada kitsaskohti läbi mõjusa koostöö? Tule kuula osapoolte kogemust ja mõtle meiega kaasa koostöötamiskeskuses Workland Vabaduse. Ürituse ettekanded esitatakse inglise keeles ja paneeldiskussioon toimub eesti keeles. Osalemine on tasuta, kuid vajalik on eelnev registreerimine. Kohapeal on kohtade arv piiratud. Üritust on võimalik jälgida ka veebikeskkonnas. Ligipääs veebiülekandele saadetakse registreerunutele enne üritust.


9:30 Gathering and snacks
10:00 Introduction
10:05 Presentations

Lung cancer patient pathway project in Estonia Paulin Jürjens, Teaduspark Tehnopol
Establishment of Estonian Cancer Center – opportunities and challenges Kadi-Liis Veiman, Sotsiaalministeerium
Vision Zero Cancer Ebba Hallersjö Hult – Head of Vision Zero Cancer

11:00 Panel discussion, moderated by Kitty Kubo, Government Office of Republic of Estonia

Made Bambus, advisor at Department of Health System Development, Ministry of Social Affairs
Dr Lenne-Triin Kõrgvee – Head of Cancer Centre, Tartu University Hospital
Katrin Schmidt – Baltic Medical Lead Oncology, AstraZeneca Estonia

12:10-12:30 Networking


Katrin Schmidt is leading oncology medical team in AstraZeneca Baltics. Has broad experience in international Pharma industry since 1997 in different organisational setups in Nordics and Baltics. Her career in different sales, marketing and medical roles has enabled to contribute to adoption of innovation in clinical practice. By background Katrin is a graduate from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Tartu, field of sports medicine. Katrin brings experience of implementing multiple organisational changes and driving local and cross country collaboration projects. She believes in power of cooperation and partnership in value based health care. She sees great potential in developments in health care and innovation, making smart decisions based on health data. The aim of partnerships is to contribute to healthcare sustainability and creating new opportunities for advanced patient care with future needs in mind.

Ebba Hallersjö Hult is the Co-Founder and Head of Vision Zero Cancer, leading the mission-oriented innovation hub, which is financed by the Swedish Innovation Agency, Vinnova. Prior to establishing Vision Zero Cancer in 2019, she served as Global Head of Health Care & Life Sciences at Business Sweden and before that as Trade Commissioner and First Secretary at the Embassy of Sweden in Ukraine. She holds a BSc in Political Science and International Relations from University of Gothenburg.


Made Bambus (MA) is an advisor at the Ministry of Social Affairs of Estonia. Her main task is to implement the goals of the Estonian cancer control action plan, involving policymakers, stakeholders, clinical experts, patient associations and civil society.

Paulin Jürjens is a healthtech development specialist at Tehnopol. Her work involves supporting various health-related companies in developing their products or services, facilitating export, and raising capital. She fosters collaboration between different stakeholders in order to support innovation in healthcare, manages various projects, (such as the Lung Cancer Patient Pathway project), mentors startups and much more. She holds an MSc in physiotherapy from the University of Tartu and is currently pursuing an MSc in digital health at Tallinn Technical University.

Ettekanded on inglise keeles, paneeldiskussioon viiakse läbi eesti keeles.

Osavõtt on tasuta, vajalik eelregistreerimine. Istekohtade arv on piiratud. Tegemist on hübriidüritusega, kutse liitumiseks interneti teel saadetakse peale registreerimist enne ürituse algust.
Ürituse algus: kohapeal 9:30 EST, interneti vahendusel 10:00 EST.

Üritust korraldab Tartu Biotehnoloogia Park EIT Health programmi raames. Küsimuste korral palume võtta ühendust or contact us by phone at +3725223834.