Tartu Biotechnology Park (TBP) provides physical infrastructure as well as business development and consultancy services to companies and R&D institutions in the fields of biotechnology, medicine and veterinary medicine. It supports companies in finding cooperation partners and is active in the establishment process of new companies.



Food technology


Inkubaatorite suveakadeemia 2023

Suveakadeemias, mis leiab aset 15.-16.augustil Järveveerel, Viljandimaal, kohtuvad inkubaatorid, teaduspargid ja ettevõtted üle Eesti. Inkubaatorite ja teadusparkide poolt kokku pandud inspireeriva ning mitmekülgse programmi peateema on sellel aastal “Ringmajanduse tulevikumõjutajad.” Suveakadeemiat korraldavad Tallinna Loomeinkubaator, Teadus- ja ärilinnak Tehnopol, Tartu Loomemajanduskeskus, Tartu Biotehnoloogia Park, Narva Creative HUB, Tartu Teaduspark, Pärnumaa Ettevõtlusinkubaator ja Kesk-Eesti Ettevõtlusinkubaator.     […]

10 women have been selected for the EWA programme 2023 in Estonia

The EWA (Empowering Women in Agrifood) programme by EIT Food is being implemented in Estonia by Tartu Biotechnology Park and gives 10 women the opportunity to develop their business ideas further with the guidance of a professional mentor,take part in workshops and other events related to the programme within a periood of six months. 27 […]


Apply for EIT Food programme TeamUp where brilliant co-founders team up and create impactful agrifood startups

TeamUp matches leading technologists with entrepreneurial business professionals and supports them on their journey to co-create truly impactful agrifood ventures. TeamUp is a 6-month programme that finds and matches up brilliant innovators with compatible and complementary profiles. TeamUp provides important tools and support to build your startup including expert guidance, world-class training, mentorship, networking and […]

Health Tech Week Estonia 2023

Apply for Test Farms and validate your product with farmers!

Test Farms links agricultural startups & individuals with farmers and testing-land. Through enabling these links EIT Food wants to help innovative agritech ideas to validate and test their products and services, showcase their business to customers and investors and finally support the technological transformation in European agriculture.  Why is it worth joining #TestFarms:   ????  Validation – Test your solution in cooperation […]


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