Tartu Biotechnology Park (TBP) provides physical infrastructure as well as business development and consultancy services to companies and R&D institutions in the fields of biotechnology, medicine and veterinary medicine. It supports companies in finding cooperation partners and is active in the establishment process of new companies.


Health technology

Food technology


WASTELESS will be involved in the 4th International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste

WASTELESS for the people and for the planet! WASTELESS will be involved on the 29th of September in the 4th International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste (IDAFLW) and invites you all to take action! Reducing food loss and waste is a shared responsibility and in the hands of each of us: governments, […]

Application process for the 2023 Edition of EIT Food Government Executive Academy (GEA) has started

The 2023 Edition of EIT Food InfraBooster Government Executive Academy (GEA) has been announced and waiting for the applicants to join.  The application deadline is October 16th and the Academy sessions will be conducted online on November 13th and 20th. InfraBooster Government Executive Academy is delivered by the University of Warsaw under The Faculty of […]

Tudengite Toiduakadeemia stardib taas 12-14. oktoobril Tartus

Tartu Biotehnoloogia Pargi, EIT Foodi, Eesti Maaülikooli ja Bioteaduste Üliõpilaste Seltsi koostöös toimub juba teist korda kolmepäevane toiduteemaline sügiskool „Tudengite toiduakadeemia“. Ürituse programmis käsitletakse toiduohutuse, funktsionaalse ja kohaliku toidu ning innovaatiliste toidulahenduste teemasid, kus oma ala asjatundjad jagavad tudengitega teadmisi ning kogemusi nii ettevõtete kui teadlaste vaates. Millal? 12.-14. oktoober 2023 Kus? Eesti Maaülikool (12.10) I […]


EIT Health Innostars programme Attract To Invest is open for applications

Second edition EIT Health Innostars programme, Attract To Invest is open for applications! During the programme, we will support early stage startups not only to run a successful seed / series A investment round, but to successfully manage their investors on long term. The selected applicants will receive: € 25.000 smart money participate in the […]

Morning Health Talks Tartu: “Innovatsioon tervishoius – haiglate rollid innovatsiooni kujundamisel”

2023. aasta esimene EIT Health Morning Health Talks Tartu toimub 13. juunil kell 10:30-13:00 hübriidse kohvihommikuna. Üritus keskendub haiglatele kui innovatsiooni tulipunktile. Peamiselt arutelupaneelina lahti rulluva ürituse eesmärk on arutleda eritüüpi haiglate rolli üle innovatsiooni kujundajana. EIT Health Morning Health Talks (MHT) on piirkondlik arutelude ja võrgustike loomise platvorm, mille eesmärk on RIS piirkondade tervishoiualase […]

Workshop ”AI in clinical diagnostics: challenges and opportunities”, 7 June 2023 17:30-19:00 CET (Hybrid)

18th National Conference on Health Economy | #Health2023: Innovation and Collaboration for a Sustainable Future| June 7th and 8th, 2023 | Partner Ireland International Workshop Baltic-Sea-Health-Region-Meeting “AI in clinical diagnostics: challenges and opportunities” Time: 7 June 17:30-19:00 CET Place: on-site Radisson Blu Hotel in Rostock/online The Baltic Sea Region is known as the leader in digital […]


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