BIC Webinar on “How to Commercialise your Biomarker Discovery” is now available online!

Yesterday, on June 3, 2020, the first part of the BIC Webinar series was successfully held! 78 participants from all over the world attended the first BIC webinar on “How to Commercialise your Biomarker Discovery”.   The webinar focused on the biomarker commercialization process and the biomarker commercialization guide. The BIC guide covers technical, clinical, […]

Neljapäeval, 30.aprill toimus veebiseminar “Bioplastics and circular economy”

Neljapäeval, 30.aprill toimus eelkõige ettevõtjatele suunatud veebiseminar “Bioplastics and circular economy” Plastikpakenditesse pakendamine aitab säilitada toodete algseid omadusi, aga kuidas seda teha nii, et pakendi keskkonnamõju oleks väiksem? Seminaril sai hea ülevaate erinevate plastpakendi liikide omadustest, kasutusvõimalustest ja keskkonnamõjudest. Räägiti nii plastiku ringmajanduse soodustamisest kui vetikatest toodetud jäigast (Rootsi) ning suhkruroo jääkidest toodetud painduvast (Eesti) […]

EIT Health Community is tackling COVID-19 related crisis with several initiatives

The EIT Health community is working tirelessly in response to the pandemic, harnessing their combined knowledge and the strength of their network to join the fight against the virus. The EIT Health teams working across 25 countries are also supporting the community in raising awareness of the European Union’s newly launched COVID-19 initiatives such as […]

‘CELIS – Cluster Excellence in Life Sciences’ provides financial support for international exchanges

30 March, Heidelberg. Today the formal kick-off meeting of CELIS project took place on line. CELIS stands for ‘Cluster Exchange in Life Sciences – internationalisation of SMEs’ and is one of the 13 European Strategic Cluster Partnerships for Excellence (ESCP-4X) selected under the last call for proposals of the European Cluster Excellence Programme (COS-CLUSTER-2018-03-02).   CELIS […]

EIT Health Accelerator programmes – application deadlines extended

Due to the current pandemic, EIT Health has decided to extend the application submission deadline to Monday, 30 March 2020 at 23:59 CET for the following acceleration programmes: Headstart Provides funding and mentorship to accelerate the development and time-to-market of innovative products and services. European Health Catapult  Showcases start-ups to investors and awards the best health […]

EIT Health InfoDay 2020 materjalid

09. märts 2020 toimus SPARK Demokeskuses EIT Health Infopäev, kus tutvustati EIT Health Accelerator programmi ja EIT Health BootCamp võimalusi. Üritus oli mõeldud tervisevaldkonna innovaatoritele, ettevõtjatele, teadlastele, tudengitele ja startuppidele. ⚡️Ettekannete salvestised (ingl. k.): 1. Tamás Békási (EIT Health InnoStars) – Accelerator opportunities for early stage startups:   2. Harsha Madapura (EIT Health Scandinavia) – […]

12 great teams pitching at Tartu BioHackathon 2020

A part of sTARTUp Day 2020, the largest business festival in the Baltic countries, the EIT Health supported BioHackathon brough together over 60 participants, including students and starting and established entrepreneurs in the field of life sciences. The BioHackathon was held at the conference hall of the University of Tartu Library on 29th of January, […]

Kutse seminarile: kas Eesti on hea keskkond tehnoloogiliste lahenduste testimiseks?

Eesti tervisetehnoloogia klaster Connected Health kutsub sind neljapäeval, 20.02  arutelule, kus otsitakse vastust küsimusele, kas Eesti on hea keskkond tehnoloogiliste lahenduste testimiseks nii esmatasandi tervishoius kui ka näiteks haiglates? Koos otsitakse vastuseid järgmistele küsimustele: Millised on barjäärid testimiseks Millised on õiguslikud küsimused digilahenduste katsetamisel Millised peaksid olema toetavad mehhanismid testimiste läbi viimisel? Ühelt poolt soovivad […]

The StarShip Fellowship Program is coming back for 2020 and the APPLICATIONS ARE NOW OPEN!

Are you interested in accessing a global industry R&D environment? Do you see your future career closing the gap between industry, R&D and healthcare stakeholders? Do you want to work in a multidisciplinary Trans-European team and help solve real healthcare market challenges? Do you want to gain an EIT Health diploma and take part in […]

Business support project successfully invested in the development of Estonian and Latvian entrepreneurship

The EstLat BioBoost project was called to life in order to boost cross-border collaboration in life sciences and biotechnology in Estonia and Latvia. Despite some difficulties, the project can be considered to be a success. The primary activities within the project were strong coaching and mentorship and useful trainings. In addition, six thorough Business Labs […]

The application for EIT Health’s Wild Card programme is open!

Every year, Wild Card builds two new ventures that break new ground, push boundaries and troubleshoot some of European healthcare’s greatest challenges.They attract the brightest talents, mentor founders‑to‑be and invest up to €2 million in the two most promising ventures. Now in its third year, the Wild Card programme selects two challenges that represent a […]

Avaliku kirjaliku enampakkumise teade

Kuna 1. oktoobril 2019.a ja 11. novembril 2019.a. toimunud enampakkumistele ei laekunud ühtegi pakkumist, otsustab AS Biotehnoloogia Park Kinnisvara kuulutada välja uue enampakkumise 28. jaanuaril 2020.a. AS BIOTEHNOLOOGIA PARK KINNISVARA, registrikood 10834232, kui pandipidaja, müüb avalikul kirjalikul enampakkumisel talle seadusest tuleneva pandiõiguse alusel kuuluvad pandiesemed: SEADME NIMETUS Täisautomaatne Kapslite täitja NJP600 (NEW AUTOMATIC CAPSULE FILLER […]

EIT Health RIS Innovation Call 2020

EIT Health RIS 2020 Innovation Call aims at funding high-quality, strong, balanced projects, targeting EIT Health’s six Focus Areas to be developed by local actors including both academic and non-academic partners in collaboration with EIT RIS hubs.  This call aims at funding high-quality, strong, balanced projects, targeting EIT Health’s six Focus Areas: Reforming care pathways […]

Bioinnovation Days 2019 a great success! Team HealthCard and DigiRehab will represent Estonia at the EIT Health Winners Event in Paris

On 1-2 November, over 70 participants from different Estonian universities and institutions came together for Bioinnovation Days 2019, a hackathon focusing on wellness, biotechnology, active aging and nutrition. During the two-day event participants were inspired by keynote speeches on the health and food sector, and tested their own new business ideas, shared experiences and established […]

Avaliku kirjaliku enampakkumise teade

Kuna 1. oktoobril 2019.a toimunud enampakkumisele ei laekunud ühtegi pakkumist otsustab AS Biotehnoloogia Park Kinnisvara kuulutada välja uue enampakkumise 11. novembril 2019.a. AS BIOTEHNOLOOGIA PARK KINNISVARA, registrikood 10834232 kui pandipidaja, müüb avalikul kirjalikul enampakkumisel talle seadusest tuleneva pandiõiguse alusel kuuluvad pandiesemed: SEADME NIMETUS Täisautomaatne Kapslite täitja NJP600 (NEW AUTOMATIC CAPSULE FILLER MODEL 600) Kapslite poleerija […]