Tartu Biotechnology Park (TBP) provides physical infrastructure as well as business development and consultancy services to companies and R&D institutions in the fields of biotechnology, medicine and veterinary medicine. It supports companies in finding cooperation partners and is active in the establishment process of new companies.



Food technology


Health Access project supports 14 health technology companies from Estonia, Latvia, Sweden and Finland to enter the South Korean market

A consortium of Estonian, Latvian, Swedish and Finnish technology organisations initiated the CB Health Access project in 2016 to support entrepreneurship in health technologies. CB Health Access facilitates the entry of Estonian, Latvian, Swedish and Finnish health tech companies to distant markets – South Korea, USA, India and Uganda. In the spring of 2017, 14 […]

Baltic Blue Biotechnology Alliance ideede taotlusvoor on taas avatud!

20 suurepärast ideed on juba osa Baltic Blue Biotechnology Alliance-st … kas sinu idee võiks olla järgmine? Kasuta võimalust, #BalticBlueBioAlliance eksperdid aitavad sinu sinise biotehnoloogia idee viia järgmisele tasandile! Läänemere piirkonna juhtivad mere ja biotehnoloogia asutused on ühinenud ja avavad sulle oma uksed: laborid, rajatised, teadmised, ressursid, materjalid ja vahendid ning ekspertiisi – see kõik […]

EstLat BioBoost training survey – What do you need?

The Estonia-Latvia programme is one of the 60 cross-border cooperation programmes operating along EU internal borders. The programme is funded under the goal of the European Territorial Cooperation, better known as Interreg, and aims at strengthening cooperation among regions across the borders of Estonia and Latvia. 35 million euros are made available by the European […]


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