Tartu Biotechnology Park (TBP) provides physical infrastructure as well as business development and consultancy services to companies and R&D institutions in the fields of biotechnology, medicine and veterinary medicine. It supports companies in finding cooperation partners and is active in the establishment process of new companies.
Health technology
Food technology
Team StimulAid won Tartu Biotechnology Park’s consultancy during BioInnovationDays 2018
BioInnovatioDays 2018 was held on 27-28 April in Tartu, Estonia. The event brought together 98 participants including students, researchers, start-ups, mentors and speakers from Estonia, Latvia, Finland, Sweden, Greece, Italy, Slovakia, the Netherlands and Norway. The event was organised as a joint collaboration between EstLat BioBoost, BIOWAYS, EIT Health CAMPUS and ACCELERATOR, and ePerMed projects, […]
BioInnovationDays 2018 raames võitis Tartu Biotehnoloogia Pargi konsultatsiooni Tiim StimulAid
27-28. aprillil toimus Tartus, SPARKis BioinnovatioDays 2018 häkaton. Häkatonile kogunes 98 osalejat, sh. tudengeid, noori teadlasi, start-up’e ning mentoreid ja esinejaid Eestist, Lätist, Soomest, Rootsist, Kreekast, Itaaliast, Slovakkiast, Hollandist ja Norrast. Üritus korraldati EstLat BioBoost, BIOWAYS, EIT Health CAMPUS and ACCELERATOR ja ePerMed projektide, Tartu Biotehnoloogia Pargi, Tartu Ülikooli ja mitmete asutuste koostöös. Häkatonil moodustati […]
Sven Parkel has joined Tartu Biotechnology Park’s team!
Sven Parkel is the new General Manager of Tartu Biotechnology Park. Sven’s previous experience in the life science businesses comes from working as a technology transfer expert and helping companies and the university to collaborate on multiple topics in biotechnology. He has also been involved in biotechnology and mobile health businesses. For three consecutive years, […]