Tartu Biotechnology Park (TBP) provides physical infrastructure as well as business development and consultancy services to companies and R&D institutions in the fields of biotechnology, medicine and veterinary medicine. It supports companies in finding cooperation partners and is active in the establishment process of new companies.


Health technology

Food technology


EIT Food ootab kandideerima RIS Fellowships tasustatud praktikale – tähtaeg pikendatud kuni 19.04.2021

Develop your talent with top agri-food players during a paid internship in EU! MSc students and graduates with different educational backgrounds as well as PhD students and post-docs from EIT RIS countries are very welcome to discover job opportunities in the food industry by getting unique, professional, paid 3-6 months internships within the EIT Food […]

The European Commission has launched the India IP SME Helpdesk

The European Commission has recently launched the India IP SME Helpdesk, a new initiative supporting SMEs from the EU and COSME associated countries to both protect and enforce their Intellectual Property (IP) rights in or relating to India. The India IP SME Helpdesk provides the following services free-of-charge: Helpline service, answering all IP-related enquiries within […]

The European Commission has launched the India IP SME Helpdesk

The European Commission has recently launched the India IP SME Helpdesk, a new initiative supporting SMEs from the EU and COSME associated countries to both protect and enforce their Intellectual Property (IP) rights in or relating to India. The India IP SME Helpdesk provides the following services free-of-charge: Helpline service, answering all IP-related enquiries within […]


EIT Health RIS Alumni event – Trends in healthcare workforce markets

Trends in healthcare workforce markets Panel discussion with directors of international companies and start-ups 20 April (Tuesday) 2021; 3:00–4:30 pm (CET) online The aim of the event is to provide information on what steps should be taken to develop your professional and personal skills to be properly trained and wanted by companies. PROGRAMME 2:45–3:00 pm […]

Financing Blue Bioeconomy 3.0

7. April 2021 at 13:00-14:30 CET Digitally in Tartu, Estonia Different supporting measures for SMEs and R&D institutions. Agenda 13:00 – 13:20 Horizon Europe, Pillar II – What to expect in the Cluster 6 „Bioeconomy“, Katrin Saar,  Estonian Research Council 13:20 – 13:40 Horizon Results Platform & Horizon Results Booster, Tuomas Nousiainen, Horizon Results Platform, Alessia Melasecche Germini, Horizon Results […]

Kandideeri EIT Health Accelerator programmidesse – kuue programmi kandideerimise tähtaeg 16. märts

Tartu Biotehnoloogia Park kutsub teid liituma EIT Health Accelerator 2021 uute programmidega! EIT tervisekiirendi abil saavad biotehnloogia, meditsiinitehnoloogia ja digitervise startupid, terviseinnovaatorid ning VKEd juurdepääsu teadmistele, turgudele, sidusrühmadele ja rahastamisvõimalustele. Alates käivitamisest 2016. aastal on EIT Health aidanud enam kui 740 idufirmal kogu Euroopas turule tuua 22 toodet ja teenust ning saada ligi 205 miljonit […]


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