Tartu Biotechnology Park (TBP) provides physical infrastructure as well as business development and consultancy services to companies and R&D institutions in the fields of biotechnology, medicine and veterinary medicine. It supports companies in finding cooperation partners and is active in the establishment process of new companies.


Health technology

Food technology


HelloAI RIS Online, e-training on using AI to solve Healthcare challenges is open for applications

10-WEEK BLENDED-LEARNING EXPERIENCE IN AI SOLUTIONS FOR SOLVING MEDICAL IMAGING CHALLENGES. University students of medical, engineering and business faculties, young researchers, healthcare professional as well as those who are interested in exploring innovative solutions for more affordable and accessible healthcare are invited to apply for an online Artificial Intelligence (AI) training organized by GE Healthcare, […]

HelloAI RIS Online, e-training on using AI to solve Healthcare challenges is open for applications

10-WEEK BLENDED-LEARNING EXPERIENCE IN AI SOLUTIONS FOR SOLVING MEDICAL IMAGING CHALLENGES. University students of medical, engineering and business faculties, young researchers, healthcare professional as well as those who are interested in exploring innovative solutions for more affordable and accessible healthcare are invited to apply for an online Artificial Intelligence (AI) training organized by GE Healthcare, […]

CELIS Challenges? Are you up to it?

In order to facilitate (international) SME interaction with academia and other SMEs, BioRN is launching a “Call for Solutions” to the 5 Challenges selected from SMEs in the Rhine-Neckar Region (see attachment). Are you up to it? If your technology, platform, or process could solve one of these Challenges, submit your solution until 21 May […]


Morning Health Talks Tartu – “Tudengite kaasamine innovatsioonis ja ettevõtluses: Võimalused ja väljakutsed”

2021. aasta esimene EIT Health Morning Health Talks Tartu kohvihommik toimus 17. juunil kell 10:00-12:30 virtuaalsena. Üritus keskendus õpilaste kaasamisele ja võimestamisele ettevõtlustegevuses. EIT Health Morning Health Talks (MHT) on piirkondlik arutelude ja võrgustike loomise platvorm, mille eesmärk on RIS piirkondade tervishoiualase innovatsiooni-ökosüsteemi kujundamine ja parandamine. Üritus andis nii esinejatele kui ka osalejatele võimaluse kaasa […]

Morning Health Talks Tartu – “Student engagement in entrepreneurial activities: Opportunities and Challenges”

The first event of year 2021 EIT Health Morning Health Talks Tartu 2021 takes place on 17 June from 10:00 to 12:30 in a form of an online coffee morning. Event is focused on student engagement and empowerment in entrepreneurial activities. EIT Health Morning Health Talks (MHT) is a regional forum discussion and networking platform […]

Hello AI RIS online – kandideerimine tervishoiupõhisesse AI suvekooli on avatud

KANDIDEERI 10-NÄDALASSE PRO BONO ÕPIPROGRAMMI JA  ÕPI KASUTAMA TEHISINTELLEKTI (AI) TERVISHOIUTEENUSTE PARANDAMISEKS Programmi HelloAI RIS Online eesmärk on muuta tehisintellekti maailma ligipääsetavamaks ja loogilisemaks tutvustades osalejatele tehisintellekti põhialuseid ja praktilist rakendamist erinevate õppesessioonide ja praktikumide abil. Koolitus pakub nii veebipõhist õppeplatvormi teadmiste ja oskuste omandamiseks, kui ka võimalust äärmiselt kõrgetasemelisele mentorlusele korraldajate, GE Healthcare, LEITAT, […]


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