Tartu Biotechnology Park (TBP) provides physical infrastructure as well as business development and consultancy services to companies and R&D institutions in the fields of biotechnology, medicine and veterinary medicine. It supports companies in finding cooperation partners and is active in the establishment process of new companies.


Health technology

Food technology


HelloAI RIS Online, e-training on using AI to solve Healthcare challenges is open for applications

10-WEEK BLENDED-LEARNING EXPERIENCE IN AI SOLUTIONS FOR SOLVING MEDICAL IMAGING CHALLENGES. University students of medical, engineering and business faculties, young researchers, healthcare professional as well as those who are interested in exploring innovative solutions for more affordable and accessible healthcare are invited to apply for an online Artificial Intelligence (AI) training organized by GE Healthcare, […]

HelloAI RIS Online, e-training on using AI to solve Healthcare challenges is open for applications

10-WEEK BLENDED-LEARNING EXPERIENCE IN AI SOLUTIONS FOR SOLVING MEDICAL IMAGING CHALLENGES. University students of medical, engineering and business faculties, young researchers, healthcare professional as well as those who are interested in exploring innovative solutions for more affordable and accessible healthcare are invited to apply for an online Artificial Intelligence (AI) training organized by GE Healthcare, […]

CELIS Challenges? Are you up to it?

In order to facilitate (international) SME interaction with academia and other SMEs, BioRN is launching a “Call for Solutions” to the 5 Challenges selected from SMEs in the Rhine-Neckar Region (see attachment). Are you up to it? If your technology, platform, or process could solve one of these Challenges, submit your solution until 21 May […]


Hello AI RIS online – e-training on using AI to solve Healthcare challenges – DEADLINE EXTENDED!

10-WEEK BLENDED-LEARNING EXPERIENCE IN AI SOLUTIONS FOR SOLVING MEDICAL IMAGING CHALLENGES. University students of medical, engineering and business faculties, young researchers, healthcare professional as well as those who are interested in exploring innovative solutions for more affordable and accessible healthcare are invited to apply for an online Artificial Intelligence (AI) training organized by GE Healthcare, […]

Toidujäätmete vähendamise võimalused toidutootmises

4. juuni 2021 kell 14:00 – 15:30 Tartus, digitaalselt Kui palju tekib Eestis tootmisjäätmeid, miks peaks püüdma nende tekke vähendamise poole ning mida teha tekkinud jäätmetega kui nende tekkimist ei ole võimalik/mõistlik vältida? Kas tootmisjäägi ümbertöötlemine võiks säästa keskkonda ning olla täiendava tulu allikas? Üritusel võimalik tutvuda üldise olukorra, meetmete ning erinevate käitlemise võimalustega. Kava […]

Kolm EIT Food Startup-programmi avatud kandideerimiseks kuni 30. aprillini

Kandideerimiseks on avatud kolm EIT Foodi programmi erinevas staadiumis startuppidele ja innovaatilise põllumajandusalase ideega tiimidele. Loe programmide kohta lähemalt ja vali enda jaoks parim. Kõikide allolevate programmide kandideerimistähtaeg on 30. aprill 2021. Kas otsid oma ettevõttesse osanikku, kes aitaks sul oma toidutootmise/põllumajanduse startuppi kasvatada? TeamUP on EIT Food programm, mis viib omavahel kokku parimad teadlased […]


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