Tartu Biotechnology Park (TBP) provides physical infrastructure as well as business development and consultancy services to companies and R&D institutions in the fields of biotechnology, medicine and veterinary medicine. It supports companies in finding cooperation partners and is active in the establishment process of new companies.



Food technology


Join EIT Health RIS Academy

The EIT Health RIS Academy aims to provide entrepreneurs and innovators with the necessary skills to bring healthcare ideas to market. RIS Academy, available for free for candidates from RIS countries, is a training series that help develop competences in key areas for faster and more efficient launch of innovations to the market. More than […]

Join EIT Health RIS Academy

The EIT Health RIS Academy aims to provide entrepreneurs and innovators with the necessary skills to bring healthcare ideas to market. RIS Academy, available for free for candidates from RIS countries, is a training series that help develop competences in key areas for faster and more efficient launch of innovations to the market. More than […]

Call for contributors to support implementation of Regenerative Agriculture Revolution in CEE region during the period 2022-2024

EIT Food is looking for organisations in CEE region that would support implementation of Regenerative Agriculture Revolution project during the period 2022-2024. What is the EIT Food Regenerative Agriculture Revolution Regenerative Agriculture Revolution is a project aiming to help farmers in Central and Eastern Europe to learn about and transition to more sustainable methods of agriculture. […]


Vesinikuklaster korraldab seminari „Kuidas võiks välja näha Eesti Vesinikuorg?”

Vesinikuklaster korraldab 20. jaanuaril, 2022 a. seminari „Kuidas võiks välja näha Eesti Vesinikuorg?” Kuupäev: 20. jaanuar, 2022 Kellaaeg: 11:00-13:00 Zoom | 10:45-13:30 kohapeal Asukoht: Hübriidüritus – Zoom / Tartu Loodusmaja, Lille 10, Tartu Registreerumislink: https://forms.gle/3TdNkhnV7vP9sKrVA  Eesti Vesinikuklaster on juba mitu kuud viinud läbi konsultatsioone huvilistega Eesti Vesinikuoru ettevalmistamiseks ning 20. jaanuaril on kavas Eesti Vesinikuoru esmase […]

 RIS Innovation Call 2022

 RIS Innovation Call 2022 has been officially published. EIT Health InnoStars seeks partners with early-stage healthcare projects. Its purpose is to fund the proof-of-concept phase of high-quality, strong, balanced projects, targeting EIT Health’s six Focus Areas to be developed by local actors including both business and academic/research/health care institutions. For details, please see the Call […]

Rise to the challenge event for healthcare startups with Federico Cismondi

Rise to the challenge! Join EIT Health Innostars online live event and gain inspirations from Federico Cismondi, CEO of doDoc, a Portuguese digital health start-up, who will share with you how to be prepared for scaling up. You will hear some priceless hints and tips about a successful start-up journey to the USA and back […]


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