Tartu Biotechnology Park (TBP) provides physical infrastructure as well as business development and consultancy services to companies and R&D institutions in the fields of biotechnology, medicine and veterinary medicine. It supports companies in finding cooperation partners and is active in the establishment process of new companies.


Health technology

Food technology


The Global Foodture program for innovative SMEs in the agri-food sector

The Global Foodture program gives companies either in or related to the food industry a possibility to explore the opportunities in 4 different Asian markets, namely Singapore, Thailand, South Korea and Japan. Global Foodture is a project designed to boost the sustainable transition of the food system worldwide through collaboration and innovation. It develops and implements a […]

HelloAI – AUTUMN BATCH – RIS seats available

Join EIT Health HelloAI programmes to gain confidence in operationalizing transformational technology that enables faster, more accurate diagnosis for patients and releases administrational burdens of medical teams and much more. HelloAI Advanced RIS: FULL SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY Join a 10 week long self-paced online course on AI In healthcare to excel in your studies and career. […]

HelloAI – AUTUMN BATCH – RIS seats available

Join EIT Health HelloAI programmes to gain confidence in operationalizing transformational technology that enables faster, more accurate diagnosis for patients and releases administrational burdens of medical teams and much more. HelloAI Advanced RIS: FULL SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY Join a 10 week long self-paced online course on AI In healthcare to excel in your studies and career. […]


EIT Health UT Information Day on the New Calls

UT Grant Office, together with EIT Health, are organizing information day about the EIT Health Flagships Call. The EIT Health Flagships Call document is attached and available in the EIT Health Connections website.   Time: 5. October, 12-15 EET Location: Biomedicum, Ravila 19 (Schmidt Centre room 0089) and online in Teams   12.00 On-site registration and coffee   12.30 EIT Health […]

Eesti Inimesegeneetika Ühingu aastakonverents 29.-30.09.22 Pärnus

Eesti Inimesegeneetika Ühing on taas korraldamas juba traditsiooniks kujunenud aastakonverentsi, mis sel aastal kannab järjekorranumbrit 24, pakkudes hoolega valitud esinejaid ning ettekandeid. Eesti Inimesegeneetika Ühingu 24. aastakonverents Pärnus ravispahotellis Tervis (www.spatervis.ee) algab neljapäeval, 29. septembril 2022.a. kell 11.00 ning lõpeb 30. septembril kell 16.35. Programmi koostamisel on jätkuvalt lähtutud põhimõttest, et ükski esineja pole EstSHG […]

EIT Health Attract To Invest is open for applications

Learn techniques and prepare your company for a successful investment round! Apply with your product or service already available in one of the European markets. The programme will arm you with practical techniques for preparing your company for a successful investment round. After completing Attract To Invest, you will be more likely to receive funding […]


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