Tartu Biotechnology Park (TBP) provides physical infrastructure as well as business development and consultancy services to companies and R&D institutions in the fields of biotechnology, medicine and veterinary medicine. It supports companies in finding cooperation partners and is active in the establishment process of new companies.



Food technology


EIT Health DRIVE 2023-2024 programme has been published

EIT Health DRIVE is a two-phase health innovation ecosystem-building programme consisting of a 3-month intensive training (2023) followed by the implementation of sustainable local healthcare-focussed start-up programmes (2024). The EIT Health DRIVE training programme is based on a validated methodology developed by the Technical University of Delft and EIT Health InnoStars designed for start-up support […]

EIT Health DRIVE 2023-2024 programme has been published

EIT Health DRIVE is a two-phase health innovation ecosystem-building programme consisting of a 3-month intensive training (2023) followed by the implementation of sustainable local healthcare-focussed start-up programmes (2024). The EIT Health DRIVE training programme is based on a validated methodology developed by the Technical University of Delft and EIT Health InnoStars designed for start-up support […]

Algab registreerimine EIT Food poolt läbi viidavasse arenguprogrammi “Empowering Women in Agrifood”!

EIT Food tegevust toetab Euroopa Innovatsiooni- ja Tehnoloogiainstituut (EIT), mis on sõltumatu Euroopa Liidu asutus. Muudame koos Kesk- ja Ida-Euroopa startup firmade maastikku lisades sellele naiselikku hõngu! Kas Sulle pakuvad huvi põllumajandus- ja toidusektoriga seonduvad teemad? Kas Sa näed selles oma tulevikku ja Sul on olemas äriidee oma projekti elluviimiseks? Osale EIT Foodi poolt läbiviidavas […]


EIT Food Seedbed Incubator – apply till March 26th 2023

Start your market discovery journey with EIT Food Seedbed Incubator and turn your innovation into a market validated business. Apply today: https://entrepreneurship.eitfood.eu/launch/ Applications are open from January 26th 2023 to March 26th 2023

EIT Food Accelerator Network – apply till March 26th 2023

Build a stronger tomorrow to feed the future. Accelerate your business and validate your technology with the EIT Food Accelerator Network programme and achieve the ultimate goal: a successful market adoption. Gain access to the world’s largest and most dynamic agrifood innovation network and benefit from mentoring, top-notch training and investor attention. Apply today: https://entrepreneurship.eitfood.eu/accelerate/ […]

EIT Food RisingFoodStars – apply till March 26th 2023

Time to lead the food system transformation. To grow rapidly and sustainably unleash and scale your commercial potential. Gain access to the world’s largest and most dynamic food innovation community via EIT Food RisingFoodStars. Apply now: https://entrepreneurship.eitfood.eu/scale/ Applications are open from January 26th 2023 to March 26th 2023


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