Tartu Biotechnology Park (TBP) provides physical infrastructure as well as business development and consultancy services to companies and R&D institutions in the fields of biotechnology, medicine and veterinary medicine. It supports companies in finding cooperation partners and is active in the establishment process of new companies.


Health technology

Food technology


Tartu meditsiini ja eluteaduste valdkonna ettevõttete konkurss

Tartu Linnavalitsusel ja Tartu Biotehnoloogia Pargil on taaskord rõõm kutsuda Teid osalema Tartu ettevõtluskonkursil kandideerimaks edukaima meditsiini ja eluteaduste valdkonna ettevõtte tiitlile. Tiitlit antakse välja juba üheksandat aastat. Eelmisel aastal osutus parimaks ettevõtteks TBD-Biodiscovery OÜ. Konkursist on oodatud osa võtma tegutsevad ettevõtjad, kelle asukoht ja/või üks põhitegevuse koht on Tartu linn ning kellel ei ole […]

Market Access to India and Uganda

Health companies from Estonia, Latvia, Finland and Sweden have a unique opportunity to apply for a program to enter Indian or Uganda markets and achieve sales. The program is financed by Central Baltic Interreg and therefore the fee for companies is only 15% of the total cost. The program is delivered by health clusters from […]

Market Access to India and Uganda

Health companies from Estonia, Latvia, Finland and Sweden have a unique opportunity to apply for a program to enter Indian or Uganda markets and achieve sales. The program is financed by Central Baltic Interreg and therefore the fee for companies is only 15% of the total cost. The program is delivered by health clusters from […]


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