Tartu Biotechnology Park (TBP) provides physical infrastructure as well as business development and consultancy services to companies and R&D institutions in the fields of biotechnology, medicine and veterinary medicine. It supports companies in finding cooperation partners and is active in the establishment process of new companies.



Food technology


sTARTUp 2017 BioTech (Tartu): Latvian team DERMA Skinviewer wins hackathon

For the third year in a row, during the first week of December, bright young entrepreneurs gathered in Tartu where Tartu Biotechnology Park and Tartu City Government held the international hackathon in biotechnology – sTARTUp 2017 BioTech. This event helps early stage startups in biotechnology, medicine and veterinary medicine to test and refine their idea […]

sTARTUp 2017 BioTech (Tartu): Latvian team DERMA Skinviewer wins hackathon

For the third year in a row, during the first week of December, bright young entrepreneurs gathered in Tartu where Tartu Biotechnology Park and Tartu City Government held the international hackathon in biotechnology – sTARTUp 2017 BioTech. This event helps early stage startups in biotechnology, medicine and veterinary medicine to test and refine their idea […]

Läänemere vetikatest allergia vastu abi otsinud pere avastas nende noorendava mõju

Tartu Biotehnoloogia Pargi inkubant räägib, kuidas Läänemerest pandi vetikas kreemi ning tehti tootesari: Abielupaar Janno ja Berit Joosepi Bali reisilt saadud idee aitas naisel vabaneda allergiamurest ning sünnitas tootesarja, mida toidab veendumus, et looduslik tooraine võib tervisega imet teha. Teadmistepõhise majandusega Eestist räägitakse palju ning see pole sugugi vaid Skype’i või TransferWise’i sarnaste suurfirmade edulugu – edukalt […]


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