Tartu Biotechnology Park (TBP) provides physical infrastructure as well as business development and consultancy services to companies and R&D institutions in the fields of biotechnology, medicine and veterinary medicine. It supports companies in finding cooperation partners and is active in the establishment process of new companies.



Food technology


Tartu parimad ettevõtjad on selgunud

Tartu Linnavalitsuse pressiteade Tartu Linnavalitsus kinnitas tänasel istungil konkursi “Parim ettevõtja 2018” tulemused. Enim töökohti lõi eelmisel aastal Torm Metall OÜ, eksporti kasvatas kõige enam OÜ Data Print, kiireima kasvuga väikeettevõte oli AS Aasta Auto ning suurettevõte AS Olerex. Tartu abilinnapea Raimond Tamme sõnul oli 2018. aasta ettevõtlusele tervikuna hea aasta. “Olukorda ilmestab kogumüügitulu ja […]

EIT Health Accelerator introduces: INVESTOR NETWORK

EIT Health hereby invites incorporated start-ups to submit their Investor Network applications Submission deadline: 31st December 2019 The EIT Health Investor Network is the first pan-European, EU-driven network solely focused on financing health innovation. This programme, part of EIT Health Accelerator, aims to connect European health-oriented investors and promising start-ups through cross-border financing and co-investments. The EIT […]

EIT Health Accelerator introduces: INVESTOR NETWORK

EIT Health hereby invites incorporated start-ups to submit their Investor Network applications Submission deadline: 31st December 2019 The EIT Health Investor Network is the first pan-European, EU-driven network solely focused on financing health innovation. This programme, part of EIT Health Accelerator, aims to connect European health-oriented investors and promising start-ups through cross-border financing and co-investments. The EIT […]


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