Tartu Biotechnology Park (TBP) provides physical infrastructure as well as business development and consultancy services to companies and R&D institutions in the fields of biotechnology, medicine and veterinary medicine. It supports companies in finding cooperation partners and is active in the establishment process of new companies.



Food technology



EIT Health Information Day will take place on 25.11.19 at Tartu University Hospital (Puusepa 8) A. Linkberg auditorium (second floor, corp D https://www.kliinikum.ee/et/patsiendile). (Preliminary) Program 09:00 – 11:00 Merike Leego (Innovation Manager at EIT Health Scandinavia CLC) EIT Health Business Plan 2021 Coffee break 11:45- 15:00 Laetitia Tournebize (Strategic Marketing & Innovation Consultant at Efficient […]

BioInnovation Days 2019 on November 1-2

BioInnovation Days 2019 is an international hackathon devoted to finding innovative solutions in the fields of BIOeconomy, BIOtechnology and BIOmedicine. REGISTER YOUR PARTICIPATION HERE: https://bit.ly/33oZctH – Come up with innovative ideas and solutions – Develop and test the ideas in teams with the assistance of experienced mentors – Pitch the ideas to the jury, audience […]

BioInnovation Days 2019 on November 1-2

BioInnovation Days 2019 is an international hackathon devoted to finding innovative solutions in the fields of BIOeconomy, BIOtechnology and BIOmedicine. REGISTER YOUR PARTICIPATION HERE: https://bit.ly/33oZctH – Come up with innovative ideas and solutions – Develop and test the ideas in teams with the assistance of experienced mentors – Pitch the ideas to the jury, audience […]


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