Tartu Biotechnology Park (TBP) provides physical infrastructure as well as business development and consultancy services to companies and R&D institutions in the fields of biotechnology, medicine and veterinary medicine. It supports companies in finding cooperation partners and is active in the establishment process of new companies.



Food technology


Bioinnovation Days 2019 a great success! Team HealthCard and DigiRehab will represent Estonia at the EIT Health Winners Event in Paris

On 1-2 November, over 70 participants from different Estonian universities and institutions came together for Bioinnovation Days 2019, a hackathon focusing on wellness, biotechnology, active aging and nutrition. During the two-day event participants were inspired by keynote speeches on the health and food sector, and tested their own new business ideas, shared experiences and established […]

Avaliku kirjaliku enampakkumise teade

Kuna 1. oktoobril 2019.a toimunud enampakkumisele ei laekunud ühtegi pakkumist otsustab AS Biotehnoloogia Park Kinnisvara kuulutada välja uue enampakkumise 11. novembril 2019.a. AS BIOTEHNOLOOGIA PARK KINNISVARA, registrikood 10834232 kui pandipidaja, müüb avalikul kirjalikul enampakkumisel talle seadusest tuleneva pandiõiguse alusel kuuluvad pandiesemed: SEADME NIMETUS Täisautomaatne Kapslite täitja NJP600 (NEW AUTOMATIC CAPSULE FILLER MODEL 600) Kapslite poleerija […]


EIT Health Information Day will take place on 25.11.19 at Tartu University Hospital (Puusepa 8) A. Linkberg auditorium (second floor, corp D https://www.kliinikum.ee/et/patsiendile). (Preliminary) Program 09:00 – 11:00 Merike Leego (Innovation Manager at EIT Health Scandinavia CLC) EIT Health Business Plan 2021 Coffee break 11:45- 15:00 Laetitia Tournebize (Strategic Marketing & Innovation Consultant at Efficient […]


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