Tartu Biotechnology Park (TBP) provides physical infrastructure as well as business development and consultancy services to companies and R&D institutions in the fields of biotechnology, medicine and veterinary medicine. It supports companies in finding cooperation partners and is active in the establishment process of new companies.



Food technology


Avaliku kirjaliku enampakkumise teade

Kuna 1. oktoobril 2019.a ja 11. novembril 2019.a. toimunud enampakkumistele ei laekunud ühtegi pakkumist, otsustab AS Biotehnoloogia Park Kinnisvara kuulutada välja uue enampakkumise 28. jaanuaril 2020.a. AS BIOTEHNOLOOGIA PARK KINNISVARA, registrikood 10834232, kui pandipidaja, müüb avalikul kirjalikul enampakkumisel talle seadusest tuleneva pandiõiguse alusel kuuluvad pandiesemed: SEADME NIMETUS Täisautomaatne Kapslite täitja NJP600 (NEW AUTOMATIC CAPSULE FILLER […]

EIT Health RIS Innovation Call 2020

EIT Health RIS 2020 Innovation Call aims at funding high-quality, strong, balanced projects, targeting EIT Health’s six Focus Areas to be developed by local actors including both academic and non-academic partners in collaboration with EIT RIS hubs.  This call aims at funding high-quality, strong, balanced projects, targeting EIT Health’s six Focus Areas: Reforming care pathways […]

Two teams from BioInnovation Days represented Estonia at the EIT Health Winners’ Event in Paris

On Sunday December 1st 192 participants arrived at Palais Brongniart for the Winners’ Event. 138 of these were students from the 33 winning i-Day teams. Judges, mentors, coaches, speakers and organisers all contributed their expertise and supported students throughout the day to develop their ideas. There was a lecture style opening session followed by an afternoon […]


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