Tartu Biotechnology Park (TBP) provides physical infrastructure as well as business development and consultancy services to companies and R&D institutions in the fields of biotechnology, medicine and veterinary medicine. It supports companies in finding cooperation partners and is active in the establishment process of new companies.



Food technology


EIT Health InfoDay 2020 materjalid

09. märts 2020 toimus SPARK Demokeskuses EIT Health Infopäev, kus tutvustati EIT Health Accelerator programmi ja EIT Health BootCamp võimalusi. Üritus oli mõeldud tervisevaldkonna innovaatoritele, ettevõtjatele, teadlastele, tudengitele ja startuppidele. ⚡️Ettekannete salvestised (ingl. k.): 1. Tamás Békási (EIT Health InnoStars) – Accelerator opportunities for early stage startups:   2. Harsha Madapura (EIT Health Scandinavia) – […]

EIT Health InfoDay 2020 materials

EIT Health InfoDay 2020 took place on the 9th of March 2020, at SPARK Democentre, Tartu, Estonia. At the event, plenty of valuable information was provided about the different EIT Health Accelerator and Bootcamp opportunities to help the healthcare innovators, entrepreneurs, researchers, students and start-ups improve themselves and their products or ideas! ⚡️Recordings of the […]

12 great teams pitching at Tartu BioHackathon 2020

A part of sTARTUp Day 2020, the largest business festival in the Baltic countries, the EIT Health supported BioHackathon brough together over 60 participants, including students and starting and established entrepreneurs in the field of life sciences. The BioHackathon was held at the conference hall of the University of Tartu Library on 29th of January, […]


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