Tartu Biotechnology Park (TBP) provides physical infrastructure as well as business development and consultancy services to companies and R&D institutions in the fields of biotechnology, medicine and veterinary medicine. It supports companies in finding cooperation partners and is active in the establishment process of new companies.


Health technology

Food technology


On Thursday, 30th of April Tartu Biotechnology Park held a Webinar about Bioplastics and Circular Economy

On Thursday, 30th of April Tartu Biotechnology Park held a Webinar about Bioplastics and Circular Economy. Over 40 participants took part of the webinar to learn about the environmentally sustainable product packaging, including about the different possibilities, but also the restrictions for using plastics made from biological resources. Webinar speakers were: Dr. Mait Kriipsalu, Eesti […]

Neljapäeval, 30.aprill toimus veebiseminar “Bioplastics and circular economy”

Neljapäeval, 30.aprill toimus eelkõige ettevõtjatele suunatud veebiseminar “Bioplastics and circular economy” Plastikpakenditesse pakendamine aitab säilitada toodete algseid omadusi, aga kuidas seda teha nii, et pakendi keskkonnamõju oleks väiksem? Seminaril sai hea ülevaate erinevate plastpakendi liikide omadustest, kasutusvõimalustest ja keskkonnamõjudest. Räägiti nii plastiku ringmajanduse soodustamisest kui vetikatest toodetud jäigast (Rootsi) ning suhkruroo jääkidest toodetud painduvast (Eesti) […]

EIT Health Community is tackling COVID-19 related crisis with several initiatives

The EIT Health community is working tirelessly in response to the pandemic, harnessing their combined knowledge and the strength of their network to join the fight against the virus. The EIT Health teams working across 25 countries are also supporting the community in raising awareness of the European Union’s newly launched COVID-19 initiatives such as […]


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