Tartu Biotechnology Park (TBP) provides physical infrastructure as well as business development and consultancy services to companies and R&D institutions in the fields of biotechnology, medicine and veterinary medicine. It supports companies in finding cooperation partners and is active in the establishment process of new companies.


Health technology

Food technology


Morning Health Talks Tartu 2 kohvihommikul tutvustati inimkeskse integreeritud haiglasüsteemi arenduse projekti

Morning Health Talks Tartu ürituste sarja teine kohvihommik toimus 19. novembril, kus Dr. Jaanus Pikani (Tartu Biotehnoloogia Park; MTÜ ScanBalt) ja Prof. Peeter Ross (TalTech, Tervisetehnoloogiate instituut; Ida-Tallinna Keskhaigla) esitlesid inimkeskse integreeritud haiglasüsteemi arenduse projekti (PERSON-CENTRED INTEGRATED HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN IN ESTONIA) esimese etapi tulemusi. Projekti läbi viimist  alustas EV Sotsiaalministeeriumi taotlusel Euroopa Komisjoni Struktuurireformide […]

CATALYST EUROPE – looking for talents for the online workshop

We are looking for researchers, PhD students, postdocs who are active in healthcare IT, biotech or medtech fields, and those business people who lead institutions that work with such professionals to join the Catalyst Europe online workshop. Workshop takes place on December 8 and 9. >>>Apply HERE<<<

Tartu BioInnovation Day 2020 focused on hacking innovative cross-cutting solutions in the fields of health, food and biotechnology

On October 24 the Tartu Bioinnovation Day took place for the third time, bringing together eight teams of university students from different Estonian universities and institutes to hack solutions in the fields of health and wellbeing, biosustainability and nutrition. Multidisciplinary teams of 2-6 spent the day guided by facilitators and mentors, validating their ideas and […]


Kandideerimine L-ead Summer School programmi on avatud!

Semmelweisi Ülikool ja IESE Ärikool koos E-Groupiga korraldavad L-ead Summer School programmi teist järjestikust aastat.. L-ead programm kutsub osalema kõiki BSc, MSc, PhD ja post-doktorantuuri tudengeid, praktiseerivaid tervisevaldkonna eksperte ja teadureid, kellel on huvi digitervishoiu, ettevõtluse, rahvatervishoiu ja tervishoiu korraldamise vastu. Programmis on võimalik arendada ja tugevdada digioskuseid, mõjutada digitervise tõõjõudu ja mõista paremini digi-ökosüsteemi […]

Application period for L-ead Summer School Programme is Open!

Semmelweis University and IESE Business School, along with E-Group are organizing the L-ead Summer School programme for the second consecutive year. L-ead is a flagship study programme in health care digitalization, focusing on leveraging e-health workforce by advanced skills. It is a fascinating opportunity to improve your professional skills while developing cultural sensitivity towards digital […]

EIT Health InfoDay 2020

We are inviting all the healthcare innovators, entrepreneurs, researchers, students (Master’s & PhD) and start-ups to join us at the EIT Health InfoDay 2020 to learn more about the 2020 EIT Health Accelerator and Bootcamp opportunities! When? Monday, 9th  of March Where? SPARK Demo @ Narva mnt. 3, Tartu, Estonia Come and find out which […]


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