Tartu Biotechnology Park (TBP) provides physical infrastructure as well as business development and consultancy services to companies and R&D institutions in the fields of biotechnology, medicine and veterinary medicine. It supports companies in finding cooperation partners and is active in the establishment process of new companies.


Health technology

Food technology


Public Health Data bootcamp recordings now available!

10-14 December the Public Health Data bootcamp took place introducing several European biobanks and health data registries and uncovering what data can be made available and how to access this. The startups and SMEs were encouraged to present their product or service and propose questions to biobanks and health data registries. The program was followed […]

Financing the Blue Bioeconomy Workshop

  On 25 November SUBMARINER Network’s Accelerator for Blue Growth and Tartu Biotechnology Park (TBP) with the support of the Baltic Blue Biotech Alliance+ project organized together an event introducing different financing opportunities to blue economy start-ups, SMEs and R&D. 48 representatives from the industry and R&D joined the event, where several public and private […]

European Innovation Zone in India (EIZI) offers a soft landing place for start-ups and innovation actors coming from Europe

A European Innovation Zone in India (EIZI) is a soft landing place for start-ups and innovation actors coming from Europe (EU member States and countries associated to the EUs research and innovation framework programme Horizon 2020/Horizon Europe) located in a well-established and strong Indian Incubator and accelerator. The EIZI has a designated contact person who […]


EIT Health RIS Innovation Training by EIT Health InnoStars is coming again!

Do you have an entrepreneurial mind-set with an idea in the healthcare field? Would you like to know more about healthcare innovation, product validation and business models? Do you care to learn how to pitch your solution? If you answered YES, join the RIS Innovation training! Purpose of RIS Innovation Training: To support the applicants […]

HelloAIRIS 2020 AI TRAINING – Kandideerimisperiood on avatud!

HelloAIRIS on veebipõhine AI koolitusprogramm, mida toetab EIT Health ja mida juhivad selle partnerid (GE Healthcare, LEITAT ja KTH). See loodi eesmärgiga tutvustada osalejatele tehisintellekti (AI) põhiteadmisi, tutvustada ja avastada selle väljakutseid ning luua uudishimulike ja tulevikku mõtlevate inimeste kogukond. ON SEE MINU JAOKS? HelloAIRIS programm sobib EIT Health RISi piirkondadest pärit tudengitele (meditsiini-, tehnika– […]

HelloAIRIS 2020 – Application Period Open!

HelloAIRIS 2020 is an online AI training programme supported by EIT Health and run by its Partners (GE Healthcare, LEITAT, and KTH). It was created in aim to introduce participants to the basic knowledge of Artificial Intelligence (AI), unveil and discover its challenges and build a community of curious and forward-thinking individuals. IS IT FOR […]


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