Tartu Biotechnology Park (TBP) provides physical infrastructure as well as business development and consultancy services to companies and R&D institutions in the fields of biotechnology, medicine and veterinary medicine. It supports companies in finding cooperation partners and is active in the establishment process of new companies.


Health technology

Food technology


Kandideeri EIT Healthi kiirendiprogrammidesse – mitmed tähtajad märtsikuus!

Tartu Biotechnology Park invites you to join new editions of EIT Health Accelerator Programmes 2021! The EIT Health Accelerator offers Biotech, Medtech and Digital Health Startups and SMEs an access to knowledge, markets, stakeholders and finance opportunities through its programmes in 2021. Since launching in 2016, EIT Health has helped more than 740 start-ups across […]

EIT Health alustab uue virtuaalürituste seeriaga kiirendusprogrammide tutvustamiseks

EST : EIT Health InnoStars alustab uut otseülekannete sarja et tutvustada kiirendivõimalusi. InnoStarsi / RIS regioonide idufirmade juhid jagavad oma EIT Healthi teekonna kogemusi ja õppetunde.   —————————————————————————————————— ENG : EIT Health InnoStars is kicking-off a new series of live events to promote the acceleration opportunities. Top start-up leaders from InnoStars/RIS regions will share their […]

EIT Health InnoStars is kicking-off a new series of live events to promote the acceleration opportunities

EIT Health InnoStars is kicking-off a new series of live events to promote the acceleration opportunities. Top start-up leaders from InnoStars/RIS regions will share their experiences and lessons learnt with regards to their EIT Health start-up journey. We will meet each Thursday at 3pm EET from 18 February until 11 March on InnoStars Facebook and […]


BioInnovation Days 2020 on October 24

BioInnovation Days 2020 is an international hackathon devoted to finding innovative solutions in the fields of health, food and biotechnology. Date: 24 October Venue: Delta building (Narva maantee 18, Tartu)     On 24 October 2020 the Tartu Bioinnovation Day will take place for the third time! So far already 150+  students and alumni have […]

Public Health Data bootcamp 10-14 December

We are inviting You to join a one-day bootcamp on accessing health data followed by five days of matchmaking from 10-14 December. A lot of health data is gathered from the general population into biobanks and health registries, but how can companies use and access this data to improve upon or build new products and […]

EIT Healthi taotlusvooru teabepäev 2020

30. novembril kl 10–12 toimub Tartu Ülikooli korraldatav EIT Health taotlusvooru virtuaalne infoseminar. Seminar annab ülevaate, millised on võimalused osaleda EIT Health 2022. aastal algavate projektide taotlusvoorus, ja on võimalus küsida projektiideele tagasisidet. Samuti tutvustatakse kahte käimasolevat EIT Healthi projekti, milles Tartu Ülikool osaleb. >>>WEBINARI LINK<<< KAVA: 10.00–11.20 EIT Healthi 2022. aasta taotlusvoor. Fookusvaldkonnad ja […]


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