Tartu Biotechnology Park (TBP) provides physical infrastructure as well as business development and consultancy services to companies and R&D institutions in the fields of biotechnology, medicine and veterinary medicine. It supports companies in finding cooperation partners and is active in the establishment process of new companies.


Health technology

Food technology


EIT Health Infoday recording now available

On February 22, 2022 EIT Health Tartu InfoDay 2022 webinar took place. Webinar was targeted at the healthcare innovators, entrepreneurs, researchers, university students and start-ups to learn more about the EIT Health Accelerator and RIS Programme opportunities. See the recording and the presenters’ slides to learn which program is the best for you and your […]

Spotlight on Internationalisation

Health SMEs share their experiences of internationalisation   Spotlight on Internationalisation – CELIS A short interview with Mogens Kruhøffer, CEO of BioXpedia A/S, pointing out how visibility is essential also in internationalisation activities.   Spotlight on Internationalisation – CELIS In interview with : Priit Kruus, CEO of Dermtest OÜ First step towards internationalisation. Young start-ups […]

CELIS White Papers: Four life-science ecosystems to watch and connect to!

  CELIS is a ESCP-4x partnership that helps clusters, networks and business and innovation support organisations to maximize opportunities linked to cross-sectoral and inter-regional cooperation and internationalisation.   When the project kicked-off two years ago, SARS-CoV-2 virus, was just a name. Few weeks later became a difficult reality. Clusters acquired in these difficult times, even […]


2021. aasta Eesti Inimesegeneetika Ühingu XXIII aastakonverents toimub hübriidvormis 30.09.- 01.10.2021

2021. aasta Eesti Inimesegeneetika Ühingu XXIII aastakonverents toimub hübriidvormis (kontaktkonverentsina Haapsalus Kaluri Klubis, kuid soovijaile ka Interneti vahendusel) 30.09.- 01.10.2021. Kontaktkonverentsile tavakuulajateks registreeruvate inimeste arv on piiratud 200 osalejani. Kuni 31.08. liikmetele osavõtutasu 60 eurot, mitteliikmetele 90 eurot. Konverentsil esinevad Jana Jaal, Astrid Murumägi, Kersti Oselin, Jan Olle Andressoo, Kelli Lehto, Mari Sepp, Maido Remm, […]


The Inspire Programme will raise awareness in RIS countries on global food challenges and provide trainings on the latest innovations in Food & Agriculture. Challenges in today’s Food System are complex and interconnected. To address them, digital innovative solutions along the entire value chain are required: digitalisation of traceability can improve the safety, efficiency, value […]

Morning Health Talks Tartu “e-Tervis – tervishoiu tuleviku ümberkujundaja / kogemused Eestist ja Skandinaaviast “

2021. aasta teine EIT Health Morning Health Talks Tartu toimus 29. septembril kell 10:00-12:30 hübriidse kohvihommikuna. Üritus keskendus e-tervise arengule, võimalustele ja soovitud eesmärkidele ning praktilistele näidetele Eestist ja Skandinaaviast.  EIT Health Morning Health Talks (MHT) on piirkondlik arutelude ja võrgustike loomise platvorm, mille eesmärk on RIS piirkondade tervishoiualase innovatsiooni-ökosüsteemi kujundamine ja parandamine. Kuupäev ja […]


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