Tartu Biotechnology Park (TBP) provides physical infrastructure as well as business development and consultancy services to companies and R&D institutions in the fields of biotechnology, medicine and veterinary medicine. It supports companies in finding cooperation partners and is active in the establishment process of new companies.



Food technology


Circular AgriFood Summer School

🌿 Circular AgriFood Summer School 2024 is coming🌾   EIT Food and BGI Sustainable Ventures are preparing the 2024 edition of the “Inspire: Circular AgriFood” SummerSchool, a hybrid course that equips participants with the tools and the necessary knowledge to innovate in the sustainable and circular agrifood industry.   💻 Online weeks: 26.08. – 06.09.2024 […]

Inspire Explore Programme

🔎 Spark your entrepreneurial journey and discover the world of innovation with EIT Food Inspire Explore Programme.   ✨ Online course is designed to inspire, be flexible, and easy to join and complete!   📚 This course will give you the essential knowledge needed to foster innovation and entrepreneurship skills. From identifying the problem you […]

We Lead Food

Women leaders in the food sector, join the WE Lead Food programme by EIT Food and become a part of a global network of passionate women driving sustainable change in the food system.   This 8-week online course starts on October 1, 2024, and offers: Leadership and entrepreneurial development Strategic thinking and innovation tools Networking […]


Seminar “Creating Value Through Health Data”

🚀 Join us on August 29th in Tartu for the final day of Estonian Health Tech Week!   We’re thrilled to host the “Creating Value Through Health Data” Seminar at the VSpa Hotel Conference Centre 🏨. ✨ This event offers a comprehensive exploration of the latest advancements and challenges in health data management. We will […]


Agricultural entrepreneurs, experts, scientists, industry representatives, and media from across the globe are invited to a unique event focused on innovative and sustainable agricultural practices. BIO_REACTION 2024 is dedicated to sharing the latest research and exchanging experiences on regenerative agriculture practices.  Join us at the 2nd International Forum on Regenerative Agriculture, BIO_REACTION, that EIT Food […]

Seminar “Tartumaa haridusasutuste kohaliku ja mahetoidu hea tahte kokkuleppe koostamine”

7. juunil toimub Tartus EIT Food, Tartu Biotehnoloogia Pargi ja Tartumaa Omavalitsuste Liidu koostöös seminar “Tartumaa haridusasutuste kohaliku ja mahetoidu hea tahte kokkuleppe koostamine”, millele järgneb ümarlaua arutelu seminaril osalejatega.  Toimumisaeg ja -koht: 7. juunil 2024 kell 10.00-14.00 Tartus, Pepleri 6, IV korrus (Majanduskõrgkooli Mainor hoone).   Seminaril tutvustatakse uuringu “Tartu maakonna haridusasutuste toitlustuse korralduse ja […]


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