Tartu Biotechnology Park (TBP) provides physical infrastructure as well as business development and consultancy services to companies and R&D institutions in the fields of biotechnology, medicine and veterinary medicine. It supports companies in finding cooperation partners and is active in the establishment process of new companies.



Food technology


Students got acquainted with challenges in food systems and local innovative entrepreneurs during Students Food Academy

From 17th till 19th of November Students Food Academy took place in Tartu SPARK Demo and Tõrva. Students from different fields from genomics to tourism got acquainted with circular food systems, alternative food production and local innovative entrepreneurs. In addition to lectures, students could taste different products, go to forest to plant mushrooms in trees […]

Noored tutvusid Tudengite Toiduakadeemia raames toidusektori probleemide ja innovatiivsete ettevõtetega

17.-19.11.2022 toimus Tartus SPARK Demos ja Tõrvas koostöös EIT Foodi, Tartu Biotehnoloogia Pargi ja Bioteaduste Üliõpilaste Seltsiga kolmepäevane toiduteemaline sügiskool „Tudengite toiduakadeemia“. Ürituse programmis käsitleti toidu ringmajanduse, tulevikutoidu ning innovaatiliste toidulahenduste teemasid. Sealhulgas jagasid tudengitega oma teadmisi ja kogemusi nii teadlased, kohaliku kogukonna esindajad ja filmiloojad, samuti oli võimalik tutvuda erinevate innovaatiliste toidusektori ettevõtetega. Programmist […]

Tartu i-Days 2022 student hackathon had 10 teams solving challenges in the fields of health, food and biotechnology

On November 4-5, at the fifth Tartu i-Days hackathon, students solved various health, food and biotechnology sector challenges and made their important contribution to making the world a better and more sustainable place. This year, the two-day Tartu i-Days event was moderated by Vaido Mikheim (Startup Estonia), who made the hackathon run smoothly with an […]


Garage48 Food 2022/23 is open for registration and idea submission!

BIO- AND FOOD TECHNOLOGISTS, CHEFS, AND FOOD ENTHUSIASTS – ARE YOU PASSIONATE ABOUT A MORE SUSTAINABLE FUTURE OF FOOD AND EAGER TO DEVELOP YOUR PRODUCT? Garage48 Food 2022/23 is open for registration and idea submission! WHAT In co-organization with Garage48, Estonian University of Life Sciences and Estonian Research Council, and in partnership with Polli Horticultural […]

Tartu i-Days 2022 on 4-5 November

DATE: 4-5 November 2022 VENUE: Spark Biztown (Narva maantee 3, Tartu) Registration: https://j28wqvqsljj.typeform.com/Tartu-i-Days Tartu i-Days 2022 is an international hackathon devoted to finding innovative solutions in the fields of health, food and biotechnology. From 4-5 November 2022 Tartu i-Days will take place for the fifth time! During this challenge-based hackathon multidisciplinary teams of 2-6 spend […]

Tervisekassa kutsub inspiratsioonihommikule 4. novembril kell 10-13

4. novembril kell 10-13 toimub tervisekassa inspiratsiooniseminar, mille peateemaks on sel korral tervishoiu innovatsioon. Registreeru siin: https://forms.gle/W3ttwrm3zsin5ukr5


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