Tartu Biotechnology Park (TBP) provides physical infrastructure as well as business development and consultancy services to companies and R&D institutions in the fields of biotechnology, medicine and veterinary medicine. It supports companies in finding cooperation partners and is active in the establishment process of new companies.
Health technology
Food technology
Projekt COWIN on jõudmas edukalt lõpule
PRESS RELEASE Building the European Smart Valley for SMEs: From research to private investment COWIN success and best practices to make it happen 17-18 March 2014|European Parliament, Brussels COWIN, a European Commission Coordination and Support action, aiming supporting commercial exploitation of EU collaborative research projects organised a Reception and a Breakfast debate, in cooperation with […]
Life-science webinar on 13th of March 2014 at 16.00
Dear companies and partners, TBP would like to welcome you to the webinar focused on life-science companies and start-ups. This is a series of webinars organized by different European technology parks and incubators supporting developing life-science enterprises. The webinar is taking place on 13th of March 4-5 PM Estonian, Finnish time/3-4 PM Swedish, German etc […]
Tehnoloogiasiirde parendamise ja finantseerimise seminar
Seminarile on lubanud tulla oma teadmisi ning valdkondlikke kogemusi jagama Seppo Mäkinen, kes omab üle 25 aasta pikkust juhtimiskogemust biotehnoloogia ja tervishoiu sektoris. Oma karjääri vältel on ta kuulunud rohkem kui kolmekümne eluteadusvaldkonna ettevõtte juhatusse, kaasa arvatud rahvusvahelised ettevõtted nagu Wallac/Perkin Elmer, Kone Instruments/Thermo Instruments, Pharming NV, Exiqon, Egalet ja teised. Lisaks on seminari raames […]