EstLat BioBoost training survey – What do you need?
The Estonia-Latvia programme is one of the 60 cross-border cooperation programmes operating along EU internal borders. The programme is funded under the goal of the European Territorial Cooperation, better known as Interreg, and aims at strengthening cooperation among regions across the borders of Estonia and Latvia. 35 million euros are made available by the European Regional Development Fund for funding cooperation projects among Estonian and Latvian partner organizations. The EstLat BioBoost project is funded under the “active and attractive business environment” priority.
EstLat BioBoost will promote cross border entrepreneurial collaboration in life sciences and biotechnology between Latvia and Estonia. The aim of the EstLat BioBoost project is to increase the competitiveness of start-ups and SMEs in the life sciences sector in EE and LV through development of cross-border cooperation and the delivery of training and other support services. Among the support services will be individual coaching/mentoring, and a business mission to Copenhagen to one of the top life sciences business development organisations in Europe. By participating in this survey you can be sure that the trainings you will attend will fully meet your needs.
As we design the programme of trainings and coaching we need your input. Please answer these questions about your company or idea. We will keep the information anonymous, but contact you when we start programmes after summer. This survey will take about 10 minutes and we appreciate your time.
The survey can be found here
More information:
Mariann Nõlvak
Tel. +372 7 383 053