23. septembril toimub Morning Health Talks digitaalne kohvihommik

23. septembril toimub  Tartu Biotehnoloogia Pargi EIT Health programmi raames korraldatud Morning Health Talks digitaalne kohvihommik, mille eesmärk on inspireerida, vahendada olulisi, aktuaalseid ja innovaatilisi tervisevaldkonna uudiseid, ideid ja praktikaid ning tuua kokku Eesti tervisevaldkonna ökosüsteemi olulised mõjutajad ja tugevdada nendevahelist kommunikatsiooni. Morning Health Talks Tartu kava: Aeg: 23/09/2020; kell 10:00-12:00 / Toimub digitaalsena / […]

EIT Health RIS Innovation Training by EIT Health InnoStars is coming again!

Do you have an entrepreneurial mind-set with an idea in the healthcare field? Would you like to know more about healthcare innovation, product validation and business models? Do you care to learn how to pitch your solution? If you answered YES, join the RIS Innovation training! Purpose of RIS Innovation Training: To support the applicants […]

HelloAIRIS 2020 AI TRAINING – Kandideerimisperiood on avatud!

HelloAIRIS on veebipõhine AI koolitusprogramm, mida toetab EIT Health ja mida juhivad selle partnerid (GE Healthcare, LEITAT ja KTH). See loodi eesmärgiga tutvustada osalejatele tehisintellekti (AI) põhiteadmisi, tutvustada ja avastada selle väljakutseid ning luua uudishimulike ja tulevikku mõtlevate inimeste kogukond. ON SEE MINU JAOKS? HelloAIRIS programm sobib EIT Health RISi piirkondadest pärit tudengitele (meditsiini-, tehnika– […]

HelloAIRIS 2020 – Application Period Open!

HelloAIRIS 2020 is an online AI training programme supported by EIT Health and run by its Partners (GE Healthcare, LEITAT, and KTH). It was created in aim to introduce participants to the basic knowledge of Artificial Intelligence (AI), unveil and discover its challenges and build a community of curious and forward-thinking individuals. IS IT FOR […]

Free webinar “How to commercialize your biomarker discovery #1” on 3rd June, 13:00-14:00 CEST

Are you working with biomarker development? Do you want to know more about different aspects of biomarker commercialization? Join the first part of a free webinar series focusing on the biomarker commercialization process and learn about the biomarker commercialization guide from the experts!   Event Timing: June 3rd, 2020, 13:00-14:00 CET Event Location: Free webinar, […]

Kandideerimine L-ead Summer School programmi on avatud!

Semmelweisi Ülikool ja IESE Ärikool koos E-Groupiga korraldavad L-ead Summer School programmi teist järjestikust aastat.. L-ead programm kutsub osalema kõiki BSc, MSc, PhD ja post-doktorantuuri tudengeid, praktiseerivaid tervisevaldkonna eksperte ja teadureid, kellel on huvi digitervishoiu, ettevõtluse, rahvatervishoiu ja tervishoiu korraldamise vastu. Programmis on võimalik arendada ja tugevdada digioskuseid, mõjutada digitervise tõõjõudu ja mõista paremini digi-ökosüsteemi […]

Application period for L-ead Summer School Programme is Open!

Semmelweis University and IESE Business School, along with E-Group are organizing the L-ead Summer School programme for the second consecutive year. L-ead is a flagship study programme in health care digitalization, focusing on leveraging e-health workforce by advanced skills. It is a fascinating opportunity to improve your professional skills while developing cultural sensitivity towards digital […]

EIT Health InfoDay 2020

We are inviting all the healthcare innovators, entrepreneurs, researchers, students (Master’s & PhD) and start-ups to join us at the EIT Health InfoDay 2020 to learn more about the 2020 EIT Health Accelerator and Bootcamp opportunities! When? Monday, 9th  of March Where? SPARK Demo @ Narva mnt. 3, Tartu, Estonia Come and find out which […]

BioHackathon 2020 – side-event of sTARTUp Day 2020!

BioHackathon is happening again! When? Wednesday, 29th  of January Where? University of Tartu Library @ W. Struve 1, Tartu ⚡BioHackathon⚡ will bring together students and starting and established entrepreneurs in the field of life sciences. The event focuses on business development and excecution of the ideas through intensive mentoring programm on site. All participants will […]