Migrevention OÜ
Established: 2019
Activities: Migrevention OÜ is creating tools to manage migraine and headache better for patients and specialists.
Migrevention Migraine and Headache Diary App is available from early 2021 and Migrevention Premium from July 2021 in AppStore and GooglePlay.
Migrevention digital headache clinic solution has gone through clinical pilot study in Tartu University Hospital and undergoes further clinical studies from autumn 2021 with the goal to obtain MDR certificate.
Contact: Räägu tn 10b-1 Tallinn Harjumaa 10620
Phone: +372 52 96 923
Website: https://migrevention.com/
Status: incubation
GenDiTest OÜ
Established: 2010
Activities: The development of diagnostic tests in oncology and pre-Pregnancy
The company gives to its customers the opportunity to evaluate the efficacy of cancer treatment, thereby saving costs and increasing the effectiveness of treatment. Prenatal diagnosis and pathology diagnosis at early stages of development gives patients accurate information about potential problems, allowing them to deal in a timely manner.
Contact: Vanemuise 21A, Tartu
Telephone: +372 7343256
Status: incubation
Kinasera OÜ
Established: 2006.
Activities: Development of cancer tests
Kinasera tegeleb proteiinkinaaside sondide arendamisega, mis suudavad blokeerida kinaaside aktiivsuse sinna pöördumatult sidudes, olles samas heaks vahendiks kinaaside aktiivsuse määramisel. Need sondid on kasutatavad proteiinkinaaside mustrite määramiseks vähi ja tervetes eksosoomides, mistõttu saab võimalikuks eristada vähkkoe eksosoome ja terveid eksosoome. Metoodika omab potentsiaali kasutamiseks diagnostikas.
Contact: Raiko Uri
Address: Pikk tn 45, Tartu
Tel. +372 505 6213
Website: http://www.kinasera.com/
Status: incubation
RNAexact OÜ
Established: 2016
Activities: Developing, sale and mediation of laboratory reagent.
RNAexact has developed its first reagent that brings RNA-molecules to the cells and sells it for laboratory use in Estonia and foreign countries. In additiona to this company acts as mediator to several laboratory reagent selling companies.
Contact: Ana Rebane
Address: Taaramäe tn 11,Maramaa küla
Tel. +372 56 266 022
Website: https://www.rnaexact.com/
Status: incubation
Leidurid OÜ
Established: 2009
Sector: Research and development on natural sciences and engineering
The company offers a particulary biotechnology/microbiology field of expertise, which enables customers to their development or client projects to overcome encountered technological problems, improve development outcomes or time.
Contact: Ringtee 3-19, Tartu
Telephone: +372 5153309
Status: incubation
Probiotech OÜ
Established: 2010
Sector: quality laboratory services for conducting clinical trials
The company has devices to do high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis and mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysis in Tartu. The company offers a number of services including the development and production of generic drugs.
Contact: Tartu Biotechnology Park, Tiigi 61B, Tartu
Telephone: +372 7121737
Fax: +372 6410816
Homepage: http://est.probiotech.org/
Status: Alumni